Chapter Four

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After departing away from his biggest hero Peter began to fling himself back to his apartment. He took off the suit and stuffed it into his backpack then made his way up to the door leading back to his normal life. Upon entering the apartment he was greeted with a hug from his caring Aunt May. May had been through a lot given her young age. Losing her sister, Peter's mother, and her long term boyfriend Ben all topped off with  having to take Peter on all at the age of eighteen. Though she didn't mind at times it was hard for her to know if she was doing the right thing for her nephew. “How was the day Pete?” She asked as they pulled away. Peter responded, “Boring. Ya know. School, took a walk, school work at the library and now I am here.” Every once in a while he felt bad for lying to May about being Spider-Man, but he felt it was necessary for her safety. “Sounds eventful! Ready for dinner?” May said halfway laughing, “I am starving,” Peter exclaimed. Of course he was hungry, one doesn't  spend their days web slinging and not become hungry. “I tried a new recipe, but I don't think it came out exactly right,” said May, showing him the burnt chicken in the pan. She slightly frowned and Peter smiled as they both stared down at the sad chicken. “So I was thinking, Thai?” May was trying to cheer herself up more than anything. Peter nodded and May went to go grab her jacket. “I will be just a minute Aunt May,” Peter called back remembering his suit was still in his backpack. Rushing to his room to take it out may called back to him “You know your math teacher emailed me why is your grade slipping? You're good at math, what's up?” Peter quickly folded the suit and put it in his hiding spot. “I don't know May, the teacher is just really rough on us.” The truth is, he had just been really preoccupied with being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man New York needed. Peter smelled his shirt before walking back out to the living room and pulled back, eyes watering. He had become all sweaty and gross from the outing with Tony early that evening, and decided to change into a different shirt before leaving to head down to the local Thai place around the corner. Though the walk wasn't far Peter began to daydream about web slinging there instead. They finally reached the Thai place, quickly ordered and sat down. While waiting for their food Peter remembered about his plans for tomorrow. “Hey May, is it okay if Ned and a friend come over to build a Death Star tomorrow?” May gave Peter a quizzical look, “Who is this new friend?” Peter's felt his face grow red and he hoped that May missed it. “Her um..her name is Stacy,” Peter said sheeply knowing May would get embarrassingly giddy. “A girl? You're bringing a girl home?” May couldn't hide the excitement in her voice. May knew school was hard for Peter and that he wasn't exactly popular. Hearing he was bringing a girl home made her feel good for multiple reasons; new friend possibilities, and also someone who he could potentially be interested in. May assumed it was the later, due to the ever growing redness in Peter's cheeks. “It's not like that May,” Peter responded nervously. “I just met her today at the library.” The conversation was interrupted by their food arriving. The young waiter that always insists on waiting on them flirted with May as usual. “Don't worry your curry is on me tonight Ms. May,” the young man said with a wink and walked away. After Peter and May found their composure to stop laughing, May looked at Peter and said “Please tell me your not that annoyingly obvious with Stacy.”  He smiled, embarrassed, and said “No and its seriously not like that May.” May grinned knowing he at least found this girl attractive. “So what does she look like?” May asked. Peter thought back fondly on the girl he met in the tower only a few hours ago. “Well, she has brown curly hair that hits her shoulders, she's kind of short and then her eyes, May her eyes, they are this shade of light brown almost the color of gold, and her smile-” Peter was interrupted by Mays laugh. “What's so funny?” Peter said confused. “Nothing it just sounds like it is THAT way, and of course Ned and your little girlfriend can come over tomorrow to build your star thingy,” May said endearingly. Peter decided he wouldn't correct her, maybe he did like the girl with the golden eyes. The rest of dinner was pretty quiet for the two of them, mostly because the Thai was so good. They left and headed back home. Once they reached the apartment Peter went straight to the desk in his room, and immediately texted Sam. Hey its Peter, Peter Parker. Just letting you know that I had fun playing twenty questions today. Also don't forget that you have plans tomorrow that you can't forget about. You only get one chance to build a Lego Death Star in a lifetime. Lol see you then! :) Peter wrote it thinking he was so clever, but froze before hitting the send button. What if he was coming off like the guy working at the Thai restaurant, creepy and too straightforward? But also he was worried if he was doing the right thing or not. Because it's not like they could ever really be together and her know about Spider-Man, or could they? He decided to hit send and threw his phone down on the bed from excitement and fear. The few minutes Peter spent waiting for Sam to reply felt like years, he was worried about what she might say if she said anything back at all. He decided to go lay down in his bed. He couldn't sleep, hopefully she was just busy. As he stared up at his ceiling, his prayers were answered as the notification sound went off on his phone. He snatched his phone up quickly, heart leaping to see that it was from Sam. The text read “It's a date Parker.” It's a date ? Was she into him. Only time could tell, but one thing was for sure, the grin on Peter's face wasn't going anywhere.

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