Chapter Forty

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Peter sat in his room freaking out quietly about the phone call that he and Sam had. He decided he needed to call Ned to clear his head. “Dude, I think I'm freaking out,” Peter said frantically to his friend on the other line of the phone. “Superhero stuff?” Ned questioned hopefully. Peter replied, “No, girlfriend stuff.” Ned sighed, “What's going on now?” Peter answered back in a rush, “She invited me to eat diner with her dad.” Ned laughed on the other end of the phone. “Dude, you hang out and fly around the city with THE Iron Man, and you're worried about eating dinner with him?” Peter made a noise on the other end before speaking again, “Yeah, it's different though, now I'm dating his daughter.” Ned fell silent on the other line having not thought about that new bit of information. Finally Ned said, “I guess that does make a little bit of a difference.”  Peter became even more flustered as he spoke again, “You think?” The two boys then fell silent on each other before Peter spoke up again, “Maybe I should just tell Sam I got sick, or forgot I had plans or...” Ned instantly interrupted Peter cutting him off, “Dude, are you crazy? Sam is awesome and if you don't go she will be upset. You can't mess this up.. ” Neds words drifted out and then started up again, “...mostly for yourself, but for me too, because she totally knows her stuff when it comes to movies, unlike you. No offense.” Peter sat silently on the phone trying to think of how he could survive this dinner. “ I got it!” Ned said loudly, “You just have to have the confidence of John in Wedding Crashers.” Peter rolled his eyes and said, “Do you remember how that dinner party ended though?” Ned replied back instantly, “It doesn't matter, it started off really strong.” Peter thought back to the movie, “Yeah, I guess you're right.” Ned replied back excitedly, “Exactly! So just go in confidant and don't let it go south. Wear some nice cologne and for the love of God, do not wear a graphic t-shirt, wear that nice plaid button down you have.” Peter laughed on the other end, “Dude, since when did you become a fashion consultant?” Ned replied back sarcastically, “Since I got the girl in my chem classes number yesterday, now get ready.” With that, Ned quickly hung up the phone leaving Peter alone to get ready. He got up and went out into the living room of his apartment. He smiled as he looked upon his sweet aunt, sipping on her coffee and watching a soap opera on the TV. “Hey May,” Peter called out turning the corner to the kitchen. “Hey sleepy head, I was starting to think that you were in a coma or something,” May joked smiling at her nephew. “Oh I uh, I've actually been up, I was just on the phone with Sam and...” May squealed with delight interrupting Peter. “I love Sam, she's a  little bit of a spaz” May said throwing her hands in the air. Then said, “But she is so sweet.” Peter smiled “Yeah she's awesome.” May smiled back, “But anyway, what did you want to tell me?” Peter instantly became clammy as he spoke. “Sam uh.” Peter stopped talking for a minute and took a deep breath, and then opened his mouth to talk again, “She invited me to eat dinner with her parents tonight.” Peter was nervous for a multitude of reasons. But only two stuck out in his mind. One being that he would be eating dinner with his girlfriend parents, which included Tony Stark. The second reason was that he couldn't tell May exactly where he was going, due to that last bit of information. May smiled and responded, “Thats awesome Pet, you have to go!” Peter tried to smile and just couldn’t. “Peter what's wrong?” May questioned realizing that Peter was bothered. “I just really don't want to mess this up, Sam is really important to me.” May looked up at her nephew, she could tell was struggling with his nerves. She lightly patted the couch to indicate to Peter to take a seat. Peter sighed and walked over to sit by his aunt. “Peter, I think you tend to sell yourself short,” May started. “You are amazing, you're smart, and polite and...” Peter interrupted May, “And a complete dork May, what if her dad doesn't like me?” Peter thought about how ironic the statement was after having said it. Of course Tony already liked Peter; if he didn't he wouldn't have given him the technology to be the superhero he was. However, everything changed that night in the living room, when Sam fought for them to be allowed to be together and ultimately won. From there on out, there had been this unsaid pressure for Peter to be the best he could be for Sam. But May couldn't see why anyone would not like Peter. “Peter, you are so much like your father,” she said smiling to him. She continued, “He was dorky too, but everything worked out for him and your mom. They got married, and had a great relationship, and had you.” Peter felt a feeling of sadness come over him. “Your Uncle Ben was nervous to meet my parents too,” she said smiling. “He was also nice, and kind, and dorky. And my parents absolutely loved him.” May smiled trying her best to hold back her tears. “Trust me when I say, her parents will love you, as long as you treat her right.” Peter smiled back and pulled his aunt in for a hug. They lived in the moment for awhile, before May said, “And I know you will, because if you don't treat that sweet girl with respect, I will ground you until you're thirty.” Peter laughed, knowing May of course was only picking on him. After a while May and Peter pulled away from each other and May stood up from the couch. “Come on,” she said looking at Peter, “I will help you get ready.” Peter stood up and hugged May again. This time quickly saying, “I love you,” before pulling away. As May walked to Peter's room to help him find a nice outfit to wear, she thought back to how Peter grew up. She often wondered if she was doing alright raising him, if he was turning out to be a good kid. But moments like this just reinforced that she was, and that she loved being Peter's parent figure. She smiled and thought to herself that she wouldn't change a thing. Then she had to quickly get back to reality to stop Peter from drowning himself in AXE body spray.

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