Chapter Five

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Sam woke up the next morning around ten and could still feel the guilt in her stomach. Could she pull this off? She immediately got up and did her geometry test in fifteen minutes, obviously getting a perfect score. She showered, did her hair, and put together an outfit worthy or building the Death Star in. She wore her favorite pair of black skinny jeans, her Empire Strikes Back tank top and her black vans. After getting dressed she went down stairs, and to her delight Steve was down there making breakfast like always. Though she loved all of the her Avengers aunts and uncles, Steve was her favorite. “Twice in a row, maybe you're breaking your dad's bad sleeping habits, good for you kid,” Steve said while frying bacon in the pan. Steve turned around to greet her with a smile  “and dressed in real clothes, wow!” Sam smiled but felt butterflies, she should have known that she wouldn't get out completely unnoticed. “Just getting a head start on the day,” Sam said beaming back trying to come off as normal as possible. Steve set her breakfast down in front of her before eating his own. Before heading out for his daily run he smiled saying “Stay out of trouble Sammy.” Though she knew it was just a general statement she felt sick and couldn't eat. She went to see her dad assuming he was down stairs asleep in the lab like always, yet when she made it down there he was missing. She called out to her dad's A.I. "FRIDAY call dad, please.” Immediately it responded “Certainly Ms.Stark” before dialing her father. The phone rang a few times before Tony finally picked up the phone “Hey Sammy, is everything okay?” he sounded slightly concerned. “Yeah, I was just down in the lab looking for you and your not here” Sam shot back, a little relieved. The last time her dad was nowhere to be found he was off fighting against Ultron, Jarvis her dad's old A.I was completely destroyed and the Avengers including her dad didn't come back for days. Which means she was left with Pepper and Happy. Due to her distaste for Pepper she really didn't want that to happen again anytime soon. “Sorry munchkin, I had to head out for the day, big meeting, lame superhero stuff. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you but don't worry I will be home for dinner.” Every word hung in Sam's head. He is gone until dinner ? All day? This unforeseen circumstance was a welcome one. “It's fine dad I understand, I love you,” Sam said rushing her dad off the phone at the sound of this news. “Hey I love you too kid, just remember-” But that's all Sam heard, hung up before her dad could finish his sentence. She knew it was most likely about staying safe and not being seen, but she was still going. Sam couldn't believe how easy this was going to be, with her dad gone all day it was like the universe wanted this to happen. With only two and a half hours left before her date with Peter, Sam decided it was time to get this party started. She quickly headed up stairs, grabbed her purse and went to head for the elevator. Down in the lobby she began to reach for the handle of the door. This action made her stomach jump, she reassured herself then decided to rip the band aid off completely, and threw the door wide open and walked right out. Feeling the warm sun hit her skin and the wind blow through her thick curly hair gave her the confidence she needed for what she was wanting to do. Sam looked behind her checking for anyone that could try and stop her, and then took off running for the street. The street lead her straight to the shopping center up the rode from Stark Tower. Once she was inside the gas station that sat in the parking lot she bought a Dr. Pepper and requested an Uber to come pick her up. Though she didn't ever have to use it much, she was glad to have the debit card her father gave her. “It's for emergency purposes only. If anything should ever happen to me, this should be enough until the estate gets figured out,” he had said to her the day she received it. “Dad, nothings gonna happen to you, your THE Iron Man, you can take on anything or anyone besides whatever you can't fight off I am sure the big green guy could.” She remember saying to her father laughing. Though she was joking she did worry about her dad getting hurt or worse sometimes. The thought was quickly pushed away when she got a call from her Uber letting her know he had arrived. She quickly got in and smiled, she was only a matter of moments away from actually getting to feel like a teenager for once. The whole way to Queens she was daydreaming about what today was gonna be like. What if he turns out to be some creep? What if I am too awkward? What if Ned and Peter both don't like her? Rejection seemed to be her biggest fear as she took out her phone, quickly checking her hair and outfit, wondering if it still looked good. Sam had always been confident, but with Peter everything made her feel unsure. “We're here kid,” the uber driver called back to her. Her hand was shaking as she got out of the car, and her heart had stopped for a second as she stared at the massive school.  She slowly approached the gym that was just ever so slightly off of the main building and she started to think that this was a terrible idea and thought about turning back. The bell rang and Sam's whole body stiffened, maybe she could just call the Uber back and go home. No one would notice her absence. But then what would she tell Peter? What would she say to him that wouldn't hurt his feelings? She scanned her brain for the possibilities and found none and just as Sam thought about just walking out of the boys life someone called after her “Stacy! Hey!” She turned around to find those beautiful and familiar blue eyes that belonged to Peter. Trailing behind him was a short and chunky kid that she assumed was Peter's friend Ned. As they were approaching Sam, Neds face changed from excited to confused. “Peter thats Stacy?” He asked Peter. “Yeah why?” Peter said aggravated. “I don't know you didn't tell me she wa-” Peter could imagine what Ned was gonna say next and immediately covered his mouth to make him stop talking. Once they finally approached Sam, Peter felt his whole body just tense up. “Hey Peter,” Sam said smiling, covering her nervousness. “Hey,” Peter smiled back at her. Peter and Sam just looked at each other both mutually feeling the chemistry build between them. “Yo are we gonna build this Death Star or should I leave you guys alone?” Ned said borderline screaming at them. “Um, yeah let's go,” Peter stuttered through his embarrassment. As they started to walk towards his apartment Peter listened to Ned and Sam debating about who shot first in a New Hope. Hearing Sam stress that obviously it was Han made him smile and then he thought back to moments ago when they locked eyes, how obvious was that? Was it even completely obvious to her? Obvious that he was completely head over heels for her?

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