Chapter Twenty

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Peter was trying his best to fight against Doc Oc but he was proving to be more that Peter could handle. Sam was watching still tied to the chair, hoping for the best outcome possible. She tried to wiggle out of the ropes but they were tied in knots. She began to worry about Peter as she watched the melee, Oc was just so strong.  Her anxiety only grew as she fiddled harder with the rope, still unable to successfully get out of them. Then Sam heard a familiar sound, something Oc apparently didn't hear. It was the sound of her dad landing behind her. Sam felt the ropes loosen and she jumped up and hugged her dad. Tony said, "Sammy, to say you're grounded would be an understatement." Sam understood the tone of his voice to be scared and relieved all at once.  Sam slightly giggled and responded, “I will be happy if I never leave again after the day I have had." Tony laughed, grabbed her tight and took off. In the air Sam began to apologize, “Dad I am so sorr..” Tony interrupted her saying, “We can talk about it more once we get out of this place I am just glad your safe.” Sam stared back, realizing what he just said. “So you're just gonna leave Spider-Man here by himself?” Tony didn't want to leave the kid but he needed to get Sam out. “Let me get you out of here first, and then I will come back and help him,” Tony responded. Tony had almost made it to the widow successfully before feeling something grab at his leg. He looked down to see the claws trying to grab him. “Tony where are you going?” Oc said sinisterly before successfully grabbing Tony's leg and pulling him to the ground. Tony lost his grip on Sam and she began to fall. Peter, bruised and hurting on the ground perked up. His Spidey sense kicked in and he saw Sam falling, and heard her scream. Peter immediately swung into action. He caught her just before hitting the ground before swinging back into the air. “Don't worry I got you,” Peter said to Sam as she clung to him to. Sam looked behind them and was horrified by what she saw. “MY DAD!” Sam screamed. Peter turned around in mid air and saw Tony getting swung around the room like a rag doll by Doc Oc. “Damn! Okay, hold on,” Peter said looking back trying to think of a good idea of what to do. He decided to shoot a flurry of webshots into a far corner of the warehouse and threw Sam into it. “Please dont move, I am gonna go help him and then one of of us well get you home,” Peter said whipping back towards Tony. Peter waited for Oc to go in with one of his mechanical arms to pick Tony up again before shooting webs to slow him down. “Come on man, leave the old guy alone,” Peter said before landing a good punch on Oc. Peter had realized earlier that instant kill mode wasn't working and disabled it. Peter knew that if he was going to get the upper hand on this guy he was going to have to out smart him. Tony was freed after Peter constricted Ocs arms. Tony fell to the ground and laid there trying to regroup. He finally stood up and looked between the fight and Sam. “MR.STARK GO! I'VE GOT THIS!” Peter yelled towards Tony trying to get him to get Sam and leave. Tony looked back at Sam she was watching everything go down, tucked away in a corner. Tony was torn he needed to take Sam home so she wasn't in harm's way, but Peter wasn't going be able to take this guy down by himself. Without thinking Tony flew towards Peter to help him. “FRIDAY alert Steve of our location,” Tony said urgently to his A.I. as he pulled Peter away from Oc. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Peter yelled back as he shot a web so he didn't fall to the ground. “TAKE SAM HOME, THE AVENGERS WILL TAKE CARE OF THIS GUY,” Tony yelled back. “I TOLD YOU I WASN'T LEAVING SIR,” Peter yelled back trying to stress to Tony his urge to help. “AND I AM TELLING YOU TO TAKE HER AND KEEP HER SAFE, GO!” Tony yelled back. Peter looked back at Sam and looked back at Tony. If the Avengers were really coming to help, they could take on Oc no problem. Sam was defenseless. Tony was right Peter thought to himself. He needed to get Sam and get the hell out of this warehouse. He swung over to her and got her out of the web. “Let's go Sammy,” Peter said picking Sam up with one arm and heading towards the window. “What about my dad?” Sam said concerned, watching him barely fight off Oc. “The others are on the way to bail him out,” Peter said before seeing the Hulk smash through the door of the warehouse. “See, he's gonna be fine and so are you,” Peter said to Sam finally making his way out of the warehouse window. Peter held on to Sam as he went web slinging through the air, making his way back through the city to Stark Tower. Back at the tower Happy and Pepper were out front waiting for them to arrive. Sam assumed that her dad must have called to let them know what was going on. “Oh thank goodness you're okay,” Pepper said moving towards Sam and Peter as he placed her gracefully on the ground. “I believe you're good to go Spidey,” Happy said to Peter indicating that his job here was done. “Goodnight and try not to get tangled up with any more guys with more then two legs okay?” Peter said winking, his high tech suit reciprocating his movement. Peter then promptly swang off towards his home in Queens leaving Pepper, Happy and Sam outside of Stark Tower. “Dads still there,” Sam said softly still scared of what would happen to him. “Your dad is the strongest guy I know, and with the others I am sure he will be perfectly fine.” Happy said to Sam hoping it would put her mind at ease. “He will be okay Sam,” Pepper said moving towards Sam to give her a hug, before catching herself and backing up. Sam remembered the conclusion she came to hours ago before being kidnapped by Oc. She remembered how she had realized that Pepper wasn't ever all that bad and that she should give her a chance. “Sorry, I am just happy you're ok..” Pepper said before being caught off guard by Sam pulling her in for a hug. “Wow did you hit your head kid?” Pepper jokingly questioned before hugging Sam back. “Come on,” Pepper said dabbing a tear from her face, “Let's go inside, they should be back soon.” With that the three of them walked back into the tower and went straight up to the living room to see if there was any news coverage on the attacks. Not finding any, Pepper decided to put on something with a lighter tone to keep Sams nerves at bay. Happy had gotten up to go get some water from the kitchen, leaving Sam and Pepper alone on the couch. “Pepper?” Sam said looking over at her. “I am sorry, I jus..” Sam attempted to apologize, but Pepper didn't need an explanation. She understood Sams fear of losing her dad to someone else. Though Sam's previous attitude did in fact make Pepper sad at times, she knew if the tables were reversed she would have a hard time too. “Its okay kiddo,” Pepper said smiling back. Sam then decided to scoot closer to Pepper filling in the space were Happy once sat. Though worried for Tony, Pepper smiled, happy for the change in their relationship.

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