Chapter Twenty-Four

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When Sam came to, her father was by her side. He seemed sad, and he looked like he got hit by a bus. She started to sit up in her bed when her dad realized she was moving. “Hey hey hey, take it slow,” Tony said trying to get her to lie back down. “Dad I'm fine,” Sam whined back. “That's what you told Pepper, and now you're here,” Tony said strongly,  helping Sam sit up, remembering she was stubborn and would have done it anyway. “I feel like I’m insane,” Sam croaked out. She started to cry again, while looking at her father. “No absolutely not,” Tony said putting a hand through his daughter's hair. “You're scared, I get it. I have attacks and freak out and need rest too.” Sam shook her head in agreement trying to suck the tears back in her head. Tony tried to smile but his face fell weakly. “I just hoped you wouldn't have had to go through this,”  Tony said letting a single tear run down his face. “It's my fault,” Sam said. “If I didn't leave the house no one would know who I am.” Tony thought about what Sam was saying before he opened his mouth to speak again. “It's not all your fault. I should have known that one day, regardless of how hard I tried to keep you protected, someone would have found out.” Sam looked at her dad and reached out her arms to give him a hug. Tony took the hug and for a while wouldn't let go. Still hugging his daughter Tony said “It's over now though. Everything will go back to normal after a few days. No more Oc, no more Spider-Man, and no more attacks.” Sam felt her heart drop after her dad spoke. No more Spider-Man. That comment made her feel sick all over again. After pulling away from her dad and their hug she said “I love you dad, I'm gonna lay back down.” Tony looked at Sam and smiled. “Okay, I will bring you some food up later, I love you too munchkin,” Tony then kissed his daughter on her forehead and headed back downstairs. Sam waited for her dad to close the door and listened to his footsteps walk down a little bit before taking her phone out. She unlocked the phone and realized Peter had texted her. “I saw Oc was gone, your dad also told me what happened today with you. Can I come see you? I understand if not. Just let me know Sammy :) rest well.” She smiled sweetly reading the text. Sam texted back, “ I am doing better but still kinda shook up about everything. Moving slow, but seeing you would definitely cheer me up just no roof top convos tonight. :) see you after dinner Pete.” After hitting the send button Sam started to feel even more better than before. A knock on her door indicated that her dad was possibly back up with some food. She said “Come in,”  and in came her dad with soup. “Pepper actually made this while you were sleeping,” Tony stated passing the soup over to Sam and sitting on the edge of the bed eating his own bowl of soup. "Is she still here?” Sam questioned genuinely. Tony smiled through a mouth full of soup and said, “So you guys are best friends now?” Sam swallowed and answered him. “YOU'RE my best friend dad. I just realized that if she makes you happy, that makes me happy. Everyone deserves happiness. Even old men like you.” Tony laughed and said “Old huh?” Sam and they both laughed and ate some more. “I bet her sneaking you out also helps a little bit too huh?” Tony said, referring to them leaving the house earlier. “Yeah it helps,” Sam said back laughing. “I'm glad you came to that conclusion kiddo, she really does make this old man happy.” Tony said smiling. “So did you ever finish it?” Sam looked at her father her eyes bright and big. “Should I know what your code means?” Tony said confused by his daughters question. “The ring dad!” Sam exclaimed laughing. “No I didn't,” Tony said smiling. “What? Why?” Sam answered confused. “Because, I thought that if it really bothered you that badly I wouldn't have done it. I couldn't have done it,” Tony said speaking from his heart. “Why though?” Sam asked feeling bad. “Because your happiness is more important to me than mine. I spent a portion of my life feeling like I was the most important person in my world, like no one else mattered, then you came along and I knew I was wrong. But also I couldn't finish it because I was too busy saving your ass from that bottom feeder.” Sam laughed and said “Well me and mom, right?” Tony realized he had slipped up in not mentioning Sams made up mom, but hoped she hadn't caught on. “Right, you and mom,” Tony said trying to save his mistake. “Hey dad?” Sam said looking at her father and setting her bowl of soup off to the side. “Yeah kiddo?” Tony answered back, hoping she would change the subject. “How come you never talk about mom?” Tony was never prepared to answer questions about Sam's mom, but his intelligence made lying a little easier. “I just get really emotional thinking about her. Our time was cut short and it really hurt me. But I have you and that's all that matters now.” Tony wasn't completely lying. Thinking about Sam's mother did hurt. He felt somewhat responsible for her death. But when it came to her father, Tony felt no remorse. Tony thought back to when he had to hunt him down in order to get all of the important documents in order to adopt Sam. Tony met him in a coffee shop, and prepared for the worse, at this point he had had Sam for a few weeks already. “So you want to adopt her?” Sam's father asked Tony. “That was the idea,” Tony said back. “Here ya go,” Sam's father said, handing Tony a folder with everything he needed before getting up. “That's it? You don't want to see her, have visitation anything?” Tony said his blood boiled even now remembering the situation. “No if you want her, she's yours,” and out the door he went. Tony, to this day, couldn't understand how someone could just walk away like that. But in a way he was happy he did. “Thanks for the soup dad, and thank Pepper for me too.” Sam said smiling, snapping Tony out of his deep thinking and back to real life. “I suppose you should lay back down so that you have enough strength to celebrate tomorrow. After all you only turn seventeen once!” He grabbed her soup bowl, kissed her on the forehead, then told her that he loved her and to sleep well. He made his way down stairs and put the bowls in the dishwasher. His thoughts circled back to Sam and her biological parents. One day he would have to tell her the truth. When that day came though he was afraid Sam might hate him. But he owed it to her to be truthful after all. Even if it meant losing her. She needed to know the truth eventually. Maybe after her birthday, or this summer when they took their trip to Italy. But then again Tony had been saying that to himself for the last few years. Could he just give up on this act now?

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