Chapter Twelve

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"Hey wanna do something cool?" Peter asked a still sobbing Sam. Sam shook her head in agreement.  Peter jumped clear out her window re attaching himself to the side of the tower. "Peter what the hell are you doing?" Sam said concerned for Peter. "Just trust me okay? Come to the edge of your window." Sam looked at him with her face scrunched up. "You mean you want ME to stand THERE?" Sam said indicating the window ledge. "Yeah come on," Peter said as a reluctant Sam crossed her room. "Peter, I don't know, I am really clumsy," Sam said, trying to sound casual and not afraid. "Don't worry I will catch you," Peter said reassuring her. Sam placed both feet on the edge of her window and stood there feeling the light breeze blow in between her toes. She felt almost at peace, that was until she looked down. "Now close your eyes," Peter said. "What are you crazy?" Sam yelled. "Shhh, do you want everyone to know I am here? Just trust me." Sam stared down at Peter clinging from the side of the tower for a few moments before finally deciding to be adventurous and close her eyes. For a moment nothing happened and she started to inch back into her room and off the window ledge. But then out of nowhere, she felt air come swinging by her swiftly and a then a strong arm was draped around her waist. She could feel the emptiness of the air around her. Sam immediately opened her eyes to see that Peter was holding her in the air and was heading just a little bit higher than her penthouse room. "I felt like some fresh air might do you some good," Peter said sitting her down on the roof of Stark Tower. "Wow it's beautiful up here," Sam exclaimed sitting down next to him.  Peter looked over at Sam watching her take it all in before asking "So what happened today?" Sam's smile fell, as she sighed and began to tell Peter about her dads episode today. "Sam I had no idea your dad struggled like that, I am so sorry," Peter said sincerely. "It's okay, I'm just all that he has and he's all I've got," Sam replied whipping away a few spare tears. "If you don't mind me asking, what about your mom?" Peter asked quietly. He instantly regretted asking when he saw the look on Sam's face. "Dad has always told me that she was lovely, they were childhood sweethearts. He kept her out of the public eye too, but she died in her sleep when I was three. I don't really remember her," Sam said grimly. "Well hey you can add me to that list of people that have your back," Peter said nudging Sams arm, smiling. She lifted her head and smiled slightly back but said nothing. "My parents died when I was young too. That's why May and I are so close, she is the only family I have. So I get it, worrying about your dad and not wanting to be alone, and all," peter said almost getting emotional himself. "Well let's make a promise then," Sam said perking up. "They we won't ever let the other be alone, pinky promise?" Sam said extending her pinky out to peter. "You still do pinky promises?" Peter said laughing at Sam. "It's the only way I make deals with people Parker," Sam said laughing back. "Okay fine, I Promise, I hope you know how cheesy this is," Peter said still laughing as they locked pinkies. For a moment it was like time stopped and they both just stared into each other's eyes. "So my lack of social media is a major rule, I am not allowed to have any at all, it's too high profile." Sam explained in a rush to break up the moment between them. "Right yes, I was asking because I kinda dabble in photography, and I wanted you to see my pictures," Peter said slightly nervous. "Well come on then shutterbug, show me your work," Sam said in anticipation of what his photos looked like. Peter reached for his phone blushing at how sweet she was. Sam had never seen places so wonderful in her life. Peter's photos captured everything she had hoped the outside world would be like. Colorful, bright, perfectly shot and open, and every picture had a story to go along with it. "Peter their amazing! I especially like the one of the Statue of Liberty. I've always wondered what it looks like in person!" Sam said excitement full in her voice. "Well we will have to go one day!" Peter said. Sam made a face that Peter read immediately. "Well your dad's bound to come around sooner or later," Peter said trying to reassure her. "I really hope so," Sam said trailing off, the sadness clear in her voice. "Can I take a picture of you? I won't post it, I've  never had a subject as beautiful as you and I don't have any pictures of you yet and what kind of guy doesn't have a picture of his girlfriend," Peter and Sam both froze. "What..." Peter said trying to backtrack realizing he had once again made her nervous. "What I meant was.." Sam beamed at Peter cutting him off "No I agree you should have a picture of your girlfriend." Peter smiled even bigger, "Alright then Sammy," he said setting his phone up to take a picture of her. He took one of her smiling, one of her looking away, and even one of her laughing. "Alright now one of us together," Sam said still laughing from the last picture Peter took. "No, no I don't think so, I take the pictures I'm not in them," Peter said nervously laughing. "Not even for me?" Sam said staring Peter directly in his eyes. "Oh alright," he said turning the camera settings back to the front camera. Again taking way more than just one picture with anything from funny faces to serious smiling faces. They spent the rest of their night talking about movies they liked, video games, books and music. Through the night they realized how much they had in common. "All I am saying is that Pretty Odd is the best album Panic has ever come out with" Sam exclaimed. "Fine fine, you got me," the two laughed together. "Wow is that late already?" Sam said checking her phone realizing it was almost eleven o'clock. "Oh man yeah I got to go before May notices I'm gone," Peter said slightly frantic. Web slinging back down to Sams bedroom was quiet for the both of them, but Sam felt better about the sensation it gave. Neither of them wanted to part ways, they both wished that they could sit on top of the tower all night. "Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite," Peter said releasing his arm away from Sam's waist, setting her feet back on the ground of her bedroom floor. "Thats real ironic coming from you, Parker." Sam said fighting the laughter. Peter winked at her before getting his leg out the window to crawl back down the tower. "Hey Peter!" Sam said calling back to him, his head snapped back to look at her. They stared at each other tension growing, "Thanks for tonight and for the rose." Peter looked back at her beautiful face and smiled. "Anytime Sam." Peter said before crawling back down and heading home. Sam layed down on her bed completely in bliss. Clutching the rose to her chest. The only other person to ever give her flowers had been her father, Sam was giddy over that simple yet beautiful flower. She was so glad that she had him in her life now. Though in the back of her head she knew that eventually her dad would probably figure out, or that she would have to tell him that her and Peter were together eventually. Even so, she smiled thinking about the amazing person that had swung straight into her life and shook it up. Turning off her bedside lamp, she pulled the covers up and went to sleep smiling with a clear, stress free, mind.

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