Chapter Twenty Two

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Sam didn't sleep well that night. She had nightmares about the day before about what could have happened to her, had her dad and Peter not came to her rescue. She made herself get out of bed, wondering how her dad was dealing with it. She assumed he was pretty bad off, as this was the third time he was unable to get rid of Doc Oc. Remembering that she was being made to train every morning she put her hair up in a sloppy ponytail and put on her black leggings and tank top. But this morning when she made her way downstairs the couch had not been moved. In fact there was a figure sitting on the couch. Sam still half asleep, couldn't exactly make out who it was. As she made her way around the couch she realized that it was Pepper. “I didn't think you would be up so early,” Pepper stated halfway laughing. Sam smiled back, then remembered her father and questioned “How's he doing?” Pepper smiled a sort of witty smile, before answering, “He is actually out of the house today.” If Sam had heard this the other day, she would have thought about going over to Queens, but yesterday proved that would be unwise. “What's he doing?” Sam assumed that with all the commotion yesterday he just forgot to tell her. “He's working on something for your birthday actually. So I can't really say,” Pepper said smiling bigger. Sam had kind of forgot her birthday was tomorrow. “Is it already the 27th?” Sam asked. Between Oc and Peter, school, and training she had lost track of the days. Pepper chuckled “Yes it is, I would think that you would be a little more excited.” Sam looked back adjusting the confused look on her face “Oh I am, April just comes and goes so quickly, I wasn't even thinking about it. Why couldn't he just make my gift here?” Her father did have a fully working lab downstairs after all. “Maybe he just needed more room,” Pepper said, “but that's all the hints you're getting out of me.” Sam giggled. She still found having Pepper around odd, but she was at least trying to accept her place in her dad's life, and in return accepting Pepper into hers. “Well, what do you want to do today?” Pepper inquired looking over at Sam. “I am done with my classes. So I was thinking I might just lay around here maybe catch up on some reality TV. You know, I hear that the Kardashians are really hard to keep up with.” Sam knew Pepper was attempting to get her out of the house, but she was too scared. “Come on, you don't really want to just sit around, we could go to the mall?” Pepper asked. Sam smiled at the idea, the mall used to be one of her happy places, but then she remembered that's when she first met Doc Oc. "After our last trip I realized how um...crowded the mall was.” Sam said not wanting to admit that she was really scared. “I have training anyway,’’ Sam thought that would be a good excuse. “Actually you have a get out of jail free card today, your dad would much rather you just relax after yesterday,” Pepper said. “And after yesterday he wants me to leave the house?” Sam questioned. “What he doesn't know won't hurt him, plus you can put all the blame on me.” Sam didn't want to hurt Peppers feelings. “Okay, but not the mall,” Sam said.  Pepper began to list off ideas so Sam decided to pull her phone out to try and drown her out. Looking at her phone she immediately became flushed with happiness. Peter had sent her a text that read "Hey Sammy, after dinner tomorrow, mind if I come over? I know it's your birthday and all and you'll probably be busy but I have a gift I want to give you. Just let me know." Sam didn't expect Peter to really remember her birthday. It was something they mentioned briefly one night on the top of the tower. "Sam does that sound good?" Pepper questioned breaking Sam's attention away from her phone. "Uh yeah sounds like fun!" Sam said not knowing what she agreed to. "I will let Happy know to take us down town then, and we can go shopping and get our nails done and it will be fun!" Pepper spoke every word getting more excited to the point she almost squealed. Sam laughed. "Cool, let me go grab my bag," Sam said taking to the stairs. As she walked up to her room she began to text Peter back. "Aw you are sweet. You didn't have to get me anything. I will definitely find time to slip away. I hope you have a good day." After sending the text she realized she had made it to the top of the stairs. She put her hand on the door knob and opened the door. But upon opening the door she froze. She scanned the room, her anxiety growing. She realized that her window was open and there was a note stuck to her window, and it definitely wasn't from Peter. She debated on going in, looking back at the stairs. She couldn't tell what the note said, but she had a sick feeling in her stomach, she knew who sent it. She felt like screaming for help but then again she wasn't really in trouble, yet. She took a deep breath and slowly walked into her room, walking straight towards the window. She picked it up and looked it over. Now she really felt like screaming. How did he get up here, or know what room? She thought to herself. She heard someone coming up the stairs, so she balled up the paper. Sam didn't want to be labeled as a victim, or have people watching over her 24/7. She quickly grabbed her bag hearing the steps getting closer and closer. She then kicked the balled up piece of paper under her bed. "Are you ready?" Pepper questioned having reached Sam's bedroom. "Yeah, sorry I was texting with Peter and got distracted." Sam said trying so hard not to come off as scared. "Well Happy is here, so let's get this party started," Pepper said walking back out of Sam's door, Sam following behind her. They made their way down the steps and through the living room. "I was also thinking we could eat at this new café that opened last week it looks really good. And there could be a lot of hipster teenagers that can give us plenty of entertainment." Sam noticed that Pepper always talked like she was excited, she kind of liked that positive energy. "That's the best idea you've had all day," Sam said laughing back with her. They made it down the elevator, and got into Happy's car. Sam stared out the window during the ride, not talking very much. Pepper assumed that Sam was just taking in her surroundings, excited to be out of the house. But Sam was really just working things out in her head. She wondered if she was doing a good enough job acting as if she was unbothered.  Oc knew what he was doing, He was making her anxious and scared, trying to break her down. That's why he left the note. "I will always find you, I am always watching."

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