Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three

Sam spent the next three days after the dinner obsessing over what she was going to wear to prom. As soon as Peter left the tower that night Sam took to her closet and began to rip through every dress she had and today was no different. Sam struggled to find something that was perfect enough to wear to something like prom. She even enlisted Pepper to help her find something in her closet, despite having already ruled everything out in her head. "This one is beautiful Samantha," Pepper said, holding up a baby blue floor length dress, Sam had worn it once when she wanted a pretend school picture. "It brings out your eyes, and it's got a nice shape to it..." But Pepper was interrupted by Tony, who had been standing in the doorway, "And the neckline is cut way to low, try again." Sam picked the dress up, groaning with frustration and threw it back into her closet, not even bothering to hang it back up. Pepper looked over at Tony, rolling her eyes, "You're not helping you know." Tony smirked, "I am not letting her wear that to a school dance with her teenage boyfriend.” Sam poked her head out from her closet to look at Tony. “I thought you liked Peter,” she said with a scrunched up face. “Oh I do,” Tony stated smiling. He continued, “But I was a teenage boy once, I know how they think, and you are not wearing that. Try a different one.” Sam made an exasperated noise, plopped down on her bed, and whined, "I have nothing to wear." Tony laughed at her statement, “You have more clothes than any other seventeen year old I know.” Sam lifted herself up from her bed and looked at her dad. “How many seventeen year olds do you know exactly?” Sam's tone was sarcastic, and she allowed herself to smirk. Tony looked at Sam and then at Peper. He honestly couldn't come up with a comeback. He accepted his defeat, “Fine, you've got me there. But, there has got to be something in here you can wear.” Sam instantly shook her head, “I have gone through my whole closet three times, nothing is good enough.” Tony sighed, he didn't want to have to tell her why she couldn't go out prom dress shopping. He didn't want her out in public with Oc knowing who she was. He had been able to keep it from her for almost a week at this point; not turning the news on when she was up, even throwing away the daily copy of the buggle before Sam saw it, he pretty much did anything to make her think that everything was still okay. He made up his mind, he wanted her to have a good time, and he knew that a good dress would help with that. “Fine, you can go out with Pepper, I am sure she knows a shop down town where you can find a nice dress to wear,” Tony said, handing Pepper his card. As he gave it to her he stared deep into her blue eyes, pleading without words to please keep Sam safe. He assumed that Pepper understood, because as she took the card she nodded her head slightly. Sam of course, didn't see it, she was too excited to be leaving the house to look for the perfect dress. She jumped up and ran over to Tony. “Thanks da…” she began, but trailed off. She could feel the air in the room become thick with tension. Almost calling him dad made her realize she still had a lot of bottled up emotions, mostly anger. Anger at herself for almost calling him dad and giving him that satisfaction and at Tony, for so many reasons. “Thanks,” she said finally, trying to recover from the slip up. “I-um,” Pepper said before standing up to leave the room. “I will be down stairs waiting for you whenever you're ready,” and Pepper quickly made her way out of the room. After she was gone Tony stayed standing in Sams doorway, just looking at her, trying not to show the hurt in his eyes. “Can I do my three questions for the day now?” Sam asked softly. Tony didn't answer, he just stepped inside her room and sat in her desk chair. Sam sat on her bed and looked up at him. Over the last few days, Sam had asked questions that didn't really have any sense of weight to them. She was asking simple questions to avoid hurting Tony's feelings. But something inside her made her feel differently this time. “Question one,” She said strongly. “How did you come up with the whole lie about my mom?” Tony was taken off guard from the question. He took a deep breath, but kept his face as straight as he could. “I was down in the lab one night and had a drink. I was watching a "Walk to Remember," and adjusted the story to fit our situation.” Sam shuttered. Anger flushed over her. "You stole the fake story about my mom, you didn't even come up with it?” Tony could tell she was upset and just nodded, figuring speaking would be more dangerous for him. Sam took a deep breath and allowed for her anger to push her forward. "Question two,” she spat out. “What's my dad's name?” Tony almost answered, but realized that she could just look him up. “I am not answering that next question,” he said. Sam didn't take long to respond back with the third question, “Fine question three, where is my folder?” Tony stood up becoming frustrated, “I have already I told you...” But he was cut off by Sam, raising her voice over his, “I know what you told me, but I deserve the right to know.” Tony responded quickly and heatedly, “You can't talk to me like that, I am still your father.” Sam scoffed and got up off her bed, and put in shoes so she could meet Pepper and Happy downstairs. “You're not my father though, are you?” Sam said looking straight at Tony. “You raised me, but you didn't make me,” Sam said, looking at Tony in the eyes. His response was weak, “Sam, I can't give you that folder." Sam groaned loudly and tried to push past Tony, but he blocked the doorway. “You have to stop acting this way Samantha!” He yelled at her, as she stood arms crossed in front of her chest. “I am tired of it, I am the adult, and you are the child," he said. Sam attempted to yell over him, but Tony finally cut her off, his anger getting the better of him. “NO SAMANTHA, no more arguing, and no more disrespect.” Sam finally backed off and closed her mouth. She took another step away from Tony, who took a deep breath before speaking again, “I won't be giving you that folder, and I will not put up with the disrespect anymore. If you still want to go to prom, then you will try your best to treat me with the respect I deserve. I raised you. Been more than good to you in my opinion, and all I want is for everything to go back to normal. To have my Sam back.” Sam stared back at Tony. She took a few steps, and planted her feet on the floor directly in front of Tony. “And all I want is that folder,” Sam then reached behind Tony and flung the door open. She walked right by Tony, who stared at her as she walked down the stairs. And as he watched the once happy go lucky girl now turned consumed with anger walk out down the stairs He began to wonder, was winning Sam back even possible, or worth it?

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