Chapter Forty-Seven

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Sam could feel the nervous pit deep inside, like a lead ball in her stomach. Peter wasn't feeling much better, unbeknownst to Samantha. They both sat awkwardly in Happy's limo, watching all the other kids rush through the gym doors. The same gym where Sam had once waited to meet Peter after school. Thinking about this made Sam smile, but only briefly.  “The dance doesn't last all night you know,” Happy yelled back to Peter and Sam, who both jumped at the sound of his voice. Peter then looked to Sam and mustered up the courage to speak. “Um yeah, Happy is right, we should probably start heading in, Neds already texted me five times wondering where we were at.” Sam lightly shook her head no, too nervous to even speak. She couldn't explain why; but all of a sudden, the idea of being around a bunch of people she had never met before made her feel sick. “Sam, I know that you're nervous, I am too." Peter said, as he reached out to squeeze her hand reassuringly. He continued, "I have never been a social light, I've only really talked to Ned. Everyone in that gym right now thinks I am the biggest dork on the face of the planet, but none of that matters because I have the most beautiful girl by my side.” Sam looked up to meet Peters pleading blue eyes. “So how about we just go in together, and have as much fun as we can in that old, hot, and frankly smelly gym.” Sam smiled at Peters gleaming face. She nodded her head in agreement and watched as Peter slipped out of the limo, and made his way to the other side of the limo to get her door. Sam stepped out holding on to Peters hand as tightly as possible. Once they made their way around the limo and faced they entrance of the gym, Sam couldn't help but realize that there were people staring at them. Peter noticed the anxiety in her face and tried his best to calm her down. “They just are curious about the people who arrived in a limo in the middle of Queens,” Peter said, leaning down and whispering in Sam's ear as they continued to make their way into the gym. As they stepped inside the doors if the gym, Sam was in awe of how many students could fit into such a small building. “LOVE BIRDS!” Sam heard, and focused her attention to a running Ned Leeds in front of her. “It took you guys long enough, someone has already gotten suspended for spiking the punch bowl, and Flash has already started the rumor that your girlfriend is fake...” Peter rolled his eyes. “But don't worry, I think everyone saw that limo you came in.” Ned finished his sentence, slightly nudging Peters arm. Ned then finally greeted Sam with one of his famous hugs that he loved to give out. Well, to everyone except Peter of course, he gets the handshake. The three of them began to make their way towards the dance floor when a boy cut them off. "Hey, hey Penis Parker!" Sams face instantly grew red from anger. "Flash what do you want?" Peter asked, already annoyed beyond belief. "I just wanted to see your arm candy, see if she wanted an upgrade." Flash made Samantha laugh to the point of tears. "An upgrade to who?" Sam unwrapped her arm from Peters and stuck up her hands as if to indicate that she was looking around. "Uh..." Flash stuttered, utterly caught off guard by Sams sarcasm. "OH you?" Sam questioned letting Flash know she was disinterested. "I'm going to let you in on a little secret, and listen closely because I don't repeat myself." Sam's comment made Peter and Ned snicker. "If you make fun of my boyfriend and best friend again, I will personally make sure your life is a living hell for your last year of highschool, how you may ask?" Flash had started to stutter out nonsense. "I know people Flash, important ones. Don't test me." Flash had never had someone stick up to him before and was understandably in awe of Sam doing so. "Oh and by the way," Sam said, turning around. "Call me arm candy again, and I will personally kick your ass." Flash face showed absolute terror. "Bye now," Sam finished in a mockingly sweet voice, turned and walked away. Peter and Ned could not help but laugh out loud wiping a few tears from their faces. “That was badass! You are awesome Sam, like legendary! I owe you so much!” Ned exclaimed, while Peter just kept laughing. “Well I am glad you found it entertaining, I think the best part was his face.” Sam attempted to mimic his face, making the boys laugh harder. The trio spent a lot of time laughing and joking around having fun and enjoying their time together. For the first time in the last month, Sam felt as though she was at peace with her life. Deep down she knew things would change after Monday rolled around, but for now she wasn't Samantha Stark or Tony Stark's adopted daughter, or that girl in the rundown destroyed department store. No, she was just a girl in a dress at prom with her amazing boyfriend and her best friend. “Alright we are about to slow things down for just a minute.” The DJ announced, before playing Alicia Keys song "If I Ain't Got You." Peter and Sam just stared at each other. “Oh go on,” Ned said, motioning his hands towards the dance floor. Peter grinned, then extended his hand out to a red face Sam. “My lady,” Peter said, making Sam laugh, mainly due to Peter using a laughably fake british accent. Sam then took his hand and he pulled her towards the dance floor, and the two began to slow dance together. Sam rested her hands on top of Peters shoulders and Peter lightly put his hands on Sams waist at a respectful place. “I thought you couldn't dance,” Sam said, breaking the awkward silence between the two of them, as they swayed back and forth. “I couldn't, May taught me, just for you Sammy.” Peter and Sam both smiled. Sam looked down at her feet for just a minute to see that she was stepping on Peters toes. “Sorry I guess I am the one who can't dance,” Sam said, looking away afraid of Peter getting upset. But instead he just pulled her in closer. “It's adorable Sam, you're adorable,” Peter said, which made Sam feel better and smile.  She placed her head on his chest as they still continued to sway back and forth. The song was coming to an end, Sam lifted her head up to give Peter a kiss, ignoring the other teens staring at them. To Sam no one else existed in that moment, besides her and Peter. As the two slowly moved their heads towards the other, Sam thought that this night couldn't get anymore perfect than this. She of course couldn't be any less correct, because right as their lips began to touch, Sam and Peter were jolted apart from each other by a blood curdling scream. Peter immediately felt a guilty Pit in his stomach. Tonight had been so perfect that he had forgotten about Ocs Threat. But he was quickly reminded as he saw his classmates run towards the door of the gym, away from Oc and his mechanical arms, only to find that the doors had been locked. Sam began to allow some tears to leave her eyes. Not out of fear, but out of anger, as she looked at the man who had tormented her life, disappeared, and now he was ruining her first prom. She looked closer and noticed that he was clutching Tony in one of his mechanical arms, as he crossed to the stage were the DJ once stood. As Peter and Sam joined Ned on the side lines with the rest of the people in the gym, Oc grabbed the mic with his human hand, and held Tony high in the air. “Midtown High School of Science, you are all smart children, very smart, so there should be no problem getting what I want.” As Oc spoke, Peter started to fiddle with the necklace in his pocket with one hand, and began to wrap an arm around Sam to keep her from moving towards Oc. “Someone is hiding amongst you, a girl who has known a life of riches and perfection.” Tony began to plead for him to stop, but Oc squeezed harder, bringing Tony to yell in pain. “The great Tony Stark, has a daughter,” Oc said louder than anything he had said before. This revelation caused many in the crowd to gasp. “And she is here tonight,” Peter looked to Ned, who had moved to stand in front of Sam as if to take a bullet for her. “Bring her to me and no one gets hurt, and you can all go back to dancing, and having fun.” The students in the gym began to look to one another and whispered. Sam had hung onto every word he had said, and her emotions were boiling over. She was angry and didn't want to give Oc the satisfaction, but she also didn't want Oc to harm or possibly kill any of the kids. She looked up at Tony, who was in obvious pain and immediately felt sick. Who was she kidding? After all they had been through in the past month Sam still loved Tony, her dad. Sam could feel Peter tightened his grip around her, not wanting to let her go, and watched as Ned moved in front of them, a little more to block them from view. “TIME IS RUNNING OUT SAMANTHA, AND DADDY WON'T LAST LONG, COME HERE!” That was all it took for Sam to run. She broke straight from Petters grip and pushed by Ned, as well as the other students in her way, finally finding herself standing right in front of the stage were Oc stood. “How about you take me, that's what you want right?” Oc began to laugh over the hushed whispers of the students. “That would be too easy now wouldn't it,” Oc sneered at Sam as she stood staring Oc down, not allowing herself to be afraid of him any longer. “Sam go plea….” Tony tried to cough out, but Oc shouted over him. “SHUT UP!” Sam could hear students shuffle some more. “You see Samantha, I gave your dad the option to walk away. I told him months ago if he would just give you to me that I would leave him alone, but he didn't take my bait, so I had to take matters into my own hands, and rip your father from his high tower. All to get to you...” Sam smiled as she looked at Oc, Tony really did care about her. “You know that's one thing you forgot about us Starks, we are extremely stubborn.” She looked at Tony and smiled then looked back at Oc, “Put him down,” Sam said confidently, aggression thick in her voice. Oc laughed, “Fine, but not here. Meet me at the warehouse in no less than twenty minutes, no cops or I will kill him instantly.” Sam looked back to Peter, who was telling her no with his eyes, obviously scared of what he might do to her. But Tony was her best friend, and she made a promise to always be his best friend. She looked at Tony as he struggled, and then to Oc. She took a deep breath, mustering up all the courage she had in her body, and said “Deal.” Oc smiled his grim smile, then immediately crashed through the top of the building, leaving the gym and raining dust and pieces of the ceiling on the kids. Students began to scramble around like mice, afraid and still unable to leave, screaming out of pure fear. She walked over back to Peter. “You can't be serious,” Peter said, looking at Sam deep in her eyes. Sam frowned, “Peter, tonight was amazing and I love you.” She smiled softly at Peter as tears welled up in her eyes. “But he has my...” Sam paused, then finished her sentence, allowing herself to admit the truth she had been keeping herself from. “He has my dad Peter, I have to save him, even if that means trading my life for his. I have to try.” Peter found this hard to hear, but understood where she was coming from. He would die for her, and May, and Ned and of course Mr. Stark. Love made you feel that way. He pulled Sam in and kissed her on the lips, hoping it wasn't their last. “I love you Samantha,” Peter said letting tears come down his face “I love you too, I will be okay,” Sam said, smiling at Peter and then turning away to one of the doors that a group of students had managed to break down. “HEY,” Peter screamed back at Sam, who turned around quickly. “Take this.” Peter then tossed her the necklace. Sam smiled at him, put on the necklace, and in one swift motion she took to the skies. As she flew away, Peter ran towards his secret locker which held his suit, Ned trailing behind him. “Cause a distraction, guy in the chair.” Ned smiled and started to scream that Oc was down that hall, keeping the kids from going down there long enough for Peter to get his suit and whip out of the building. There was no way he was going to let Sam do this alone.

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