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Where's my medicine?

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Where's my medicine?

Hold on a second, don't go looking for it.

I don't want to know where it is.

But if you ever do chance upon it,

Please, throw it away.

I'm slowly dying.

And all the chemicals do are trap me in the eternal stage of life and death.

I'm fighting a losing battle

There's no cure, no relief, and every breath is a needle through my lungs

So if you say you love me as you do, let me go.

Look into my eyes and tell me you love me one more time

Then make the decision to kill me and forget you ever did.

If you loved me, you would put me out of my suffering

Once you saw my clouded eyes and felt my too-frantic pulse

Run underneath your fingertips

I'm stuck in the moment

Always breathing my last

My never ending last breath

So release me

Release me from the pills

That make me lose my feelings and the person I was

Release me from the tubes invading my space and caging me in my own body

Release me from the people with white coats dictating how I should spend the rest of my days

Only you can save me

And bring me into the state of long forgotten happiness

I've craved for all these years

So please have mercy on me

And bring me to the next world my love

My name's on the waiting list

And I'll meet you again in a place without pain

One day

Author's Note
This was inspired by one of my chinese lessons, where we had to write a story as a group, and one of the topics was 安乐死, aka euthanasia, which is basically intentionally ending a life to relieve that person's pain and suffering. My group didn't choose that topic, but I just thought it would be interesting to write about.

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