her wish

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The girl doesn't know what the outside world looks like

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The girl doesn't know what the outside world looks like.

All she knows is her garden, the beach, and the infinite sea (she has never tried to swim away, because she knows it is futile).

The girl doesn't know what a city is.

She only knows her island.

Paradise, some would call it. (her prison)

Time is but a myth here.
(just like she was-is)

The gods visited her sometimes, brought in news from the outside she would never be able to touch, and occasionally - a gift.
(Her torture, her punishment)

A hero.

Wishes to save everyone, but they can never save her.

They all wash up on her beach, all the lost boys of their era, end up on the sand half-alive.

And she nurses them back to life.

She promises everytime.

To never speak what she feels.
To never offer the impossible.
To never fall for the eyes of a hero.

But she does everytime.

And it will end up breaking her.

They never stay for long. They always leave, never coming back, even if they wanted to. (no man ever finds her immortal cage twice)

She loved and she loved and she will always lose. (there is no happy ending for her, this is no fairy tale)

It won't be long now, it has been more than a century since the last one.(she has never truly forgotten her heroes, she could never.)

He washes up on her beach one day, and when he opens his sea green eyes, she knows what will already happen.

She drowns in his sea, she has already drowned before he arrived.

But he is just a boy. And he knows nothing of love yet, what love is.

She promises again, she will give him the love of friendship, of a mother, of a kind soul, but never a love that is warm summer rain.

But when he looks at her, she finds herself falling.

Her resolve ebbs.

It was inevitable.

He likes to watch her, watch as she's tending to her garden, watch as she feeds the birds, watch as she lays the dinner table .

She can't help watching him back.

She was never able to give the love of a friend.

He's leaving soon.

To follow his prophecy, the destiny the world has bestowed upon him, the world that's waiting for its saviour.

All her heroes are so recklessly brave.

Maybe that's why she loved them.

"I promised I would not offer."
"Offer what?"
"For you to stay."

"They always send a hero, one-one that I can't help falling in love with."
"Me? But...how?"
"Yes, you. I love you, and that is my curse."

"Could I still visit you?"
"The gods are cruel, you will never find this island again."
"Plant a garden in the city for me, will you?"
"I promise."
"I promise I won't forget you.''
"I promise you will be free one day."

He leaves.

She's alone again, with a broken heart.

It always ends this way.

She wonders how his city looks like.

She wishes to visit the city sometime too.

Author's Note
If it wasn't already obvious enough, this was based off Calypso's myth, and her curse. Or more specifically, her chapter in the pjo series, so this is somewhat of a fanfic without names mentioned oops. I always found her story so terribly tragic, it's been a long time since I was obsessed with pjo but i just got the impulse to write this.

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