Glitter, sparkle, glamour me
Wine, diamonds, a drop of ecstasy
Call it what you want; paradise, heaven, elysium
But here we are, running out, hand in hand
Breaking every rule on the streets of gold
Wet grass cutting our feet, hair tumbling loose
We are the escapees, the runaways, the defectives, the ones that don't belong with the beautiful people, the olympian gods,
Because, sinners don't deserve angel's wings, and fallen angels belong in the dirt
We belong in the rain
With our shirts soaked through, and our hair sticking to the back of our necks
Shivering cold, lips blue and teeth chattering
And our eyes shining with sunlight of the next dawn
We belong in the city,
Just you and me, flying down the streets, with the people underneath,
Neon lights blinding us, smoky dreams clinging to our skin
And the aftertaste of oily barbecue reminiscent on our tongues
We belong on the apartment roofs,
5 a.m. in the morning, waiting for a imperfect sunrise, burning the horizon
Wind blowing through our hair, fingertips numb
But warm inside, because we share a blanket, just you and me, sharing the heat
Did it hurt when we fell from heaven?
It did, crashing through the atmosphere, grabbing onto wisps of cloud barely there to slow our fall, spiralling towards the ground that was coming up to hit us with cold reality -
It hurt, but then it didn't at all, because every other feeling fades away when you look at me.
And the only one that matters is how I feel when your teeth drag across my lips, and when your fingers are etching invisible tattoos of our story into my skin,
In that moment, it didn't hurt, when we fell from the sky, because we were together.
We don't belong with the beautiful people, the angels, the gods, the chosen ones
Because we are not beautiful
They might be the gods, wasting away for an eternity
But we are mortals,
And we live dangerously because we know
We are not gods
And time is unforgiving
And that's what I'm thankful for

The Colour of Sadness
PoetryFinding the beauty and colour in the broken words of this world.