while we can still breathe

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Every second is a gift

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Every second is a gift.

We forget that sometimes,

Every tick of the clock is counting down the day we die.

Not just me, not just you, but everyone else in this room.

Everyone else in the space of your heart.

The clock is ticking.

How old are you?

You only have 365 days to be sixteen,

And the 366th day you are seventeen, you could die, the future never shows

So if your mother asks you if you would like to go grocery shopping with her, say yes,

Because one day, she won't have the strength to get up anymore,

And all the youtube videos in the world won't make up for it

So if your friends ask you to spend a day with them, say yes, stop cancelling plans

Go out, go out and walk, use your legs, before they buckle underneath you one day

Go out and see your friends, before life drowns them in it's eternal sea and you never see them again

Life is unpredictable, it guarantees nothing

So stop denying affection, stop pretending you don't feel anything

You'll never be able to love someone as a teenager at the age of thirty-five

Don't be quiet, if you love someone, say so, be brutally, beautifully honest about it,

Because who knows when the next chance will be?

Who knows if they'll ever smile at you this way again?

Want to change the world? Sick of all these headlines?

Then go out there, get out there, fight for equality, your dreams, your ideals, the change you want to see

Because when you're 70 and old and sitting on the couch staring at the television

You don't want to see the same issues still going on and on like a broken carousel

And you had every chance to fight it back then, but you chose not to

Embrace your feelings, embrace intimacy

It's easier to make friends in school than in nursing homes

Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for caring, don't apologise for caring

You're only a teenager for 2555 days before you hit 20

Life goes fast, it never slows down, young hearts grow weak and stammer out, strong bones break and crack and become brittle before turning into ash, people burn bright and then flicker out.

So with every atom in your body right now, live.

Author's Note
Finally something not inspired by anime hahah. This one's based off a quote I saw on Instagram!

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