beauty is skin deep

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He says he loves her because she has a pretty face

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He says he loves her because she has a pretty face

He says he loves her because she looks cute

He says he loves her because everyone else does

He loves her even though he does not know her

And nobody loves me

Because I don't have a pretty face

Because i'm not the perfect one you're looking for

Because mention my name and the people will look at you with blank faces

I guess I'm just not good enough

To be loved

Even though I'd go out of my way to do anything you asked

Even though I notice all the little things that make you sad and I would try to make you feel better

Even though I'd smile for you when you're broken and I'm breaking inside too

I'm just the nice girl

Who's great to be friends with

But who could ever like me for me?

People these days

Fall in love with faces and not souls

They think they're in love

When they see a beautifully sculpted face

So why do I even hope? Why do I even try?

There's no chance for a face sculpted like mine

Chipped at the edges and marred with mistakes

People like to say

Beauty isn't skin deep

But I guess they lied

Because they still throw themselves to the ground

Over those with the prettiest faces

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