soul, heart, life

32 1 0

[In tribute of Kyoto Animation, and the 34 who lost their lives in the fire]

There was once a dream, a vision, a light

To give hope, to find beauty, to touch lives

It was a spark


It burned, so bright

And it gave the hopeless hope

That hopeless changes over time

And it gave the stone cold hearts

Warmth, and a beating pulse again

It gave me feelings, emotions, and a soft reassurance

You are not alone

And you are worth living for

A silent voice,

Yet so quietly powerful,



A silent voice that spoke a thousand different words and brought a thousand different people back to life

It gave me a heart

And told me

The meaning of I love you

Taught me the meaning of I love you

I didn't understand what it meant back then

And maybe I still don't

But I'm beginning to see, what it means to say that from the heart

And I want to say it back too,

From the bottom of my heart, I love you.

Take me beyond this world

Beyond this boundary

Because there's so much more to feel, to know, to understand

And thank you for reaching in

To take my hand

Thank you, for the smiles, the tears, the memories

A spark started it all

But like how it started

It is ending with another spark

This one, meant to take hope, take light, take precious lives

But surely somewhere in there, a spark still lives on, smothers on, awaiting its time

To shine, to spread, to brighten the nights

And even if all that's left is black ashes

We will always keep your spark in our hearts

For the past, the present and the future

Thank you, Kyoto Animation.

Author's Note
It's been a few months since the KyoAni fire and I actually wrote this around back then but never got to publishing it. For those of you who don't know Kyoto Animation, they are a anime production studio and one of my favourite studios of all time. Around a few months ago a man set fire to the KyoAni headquarters and many of the staff lost their lives. I was really saddened by this and teared up everytime they were mentioned, because the anime they have produced really mean a lot to me, and it's so sad to think that the people who created it are gone. I added a few anime references from my top 3 favourite KyoAni shows in there, ( A Silent Voice, Violet Evergarden - "From the bottom of my heart, I love you.", and Beyond the Boundary )

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