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It's a feeling.

A feeling you get when you're all by yourself.

When there's no one beside you.

You're alone.

But no one ever told you lonely means being with a group of people and feeling like you're the only one breathing in the room, lonely means feeling like you're the only person alive in a world with 7 billion souls.

I'm so lonely.

I'd rather be anywhere than here, anywhere than this room full of strangers who I couldn't care less about. And I know they don't care about me at all either because all they see in me is another nuisance of a person they have to talk to but if they had a choice I know they wouldn't even glance at me.

I feel so small.

They're standing in the light while I slink away into the comfort of the shadows.

I never did like talking much.

But I also never did like being lonely.

It's a pity, because I was never the type to start up conversations with people who have no relation to me, people who see me as just another girl to be ignored. People who will forget about me once the night is over, people who I most probably will never catch sight of again.

Who am I without the people who make me me?

Who am I without the people who care about me, who cared enough to smile at me?

A loner.

Just a lone figure standing in the distance in a empty hallway, a single, hunched back curled into the seat of a silent classroom, I'm a shadow.

I would be no one.

The Colour of SadnessWhere stories live. Discover now