All I ever wanted
Was to be next to you
____________Tell me it's hopeless
Tell me you're hopeless
Tell me wishing on the stars
Is hopelessI get the feeling
I'm giving up on something
I love too muchEverything's centered on you
These days
Nothing changes
But everything changesAll that I don't see
I wish I could see
What your eyes are really sayingTell me you're worth giving up on
Tell me there's no point in holding on
Tell me what I'm worthOr if this cliff
I'm standing on the edge on
Is worth jumping over?Hey, do you think if I fell
You would catch me?
Or am I just wishing
On a silent star
That's already exploded
Into the silence?The comet I saw that day
The meteorite I never saw coming
That killed me
When it hit the earth and ended
Everything I knewWas it you?
What I never saw, until it was too near
I guess
I was too close to the starsIs it wrong?
To want to hold your hand
To want to shine with a star
Even though I don't burn half as bright?Even though, I don't belong
Next to you
Even though,
You belong to a planet
And a galaxy
Worthy of youI'm not enough
But is it wrong,
To want to be next to you?
To forget who I am
For a star that doesn't love
It's satellite enoughBut maybe,
I should just forget.
With my head in the clouds
Gravity all messed up
I can't think clearlySo should I let me
Fall back to earth?
Where the ground smacks me
Right in the faceTelling me I failed.
But it's ok,
Because maybe it'll hit me so hard
I'll forget I ever saw the sky
I'll forget I ever tried to fly
I'll forget I ever
Touched the stars.
I'll forget.
I ever wanted to be next to you.

The Colour of Sadness
PoesiaFinding the beauty and colour in the broken words of this world.