Chapter 1

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I wake up with my back in an awful pain. Sitting up, I stretch and get out of bed rubbing my back between my shoulder blades.

After some of the pain goes away, I grab my towel and walk into my bathroom.

I try and be quiet since my mom, sister, brother, sister in law and their baby, which still isn't named, were still sleeping.

And no, my brother, his wife and baby don't live with us. They're just visiting.

Standing in front of the mirror, I turn on the light on a small makeup mirror, not wanting to turn on the bathroom light since everyone was still asleep, and if someone looked at my window, they can see me clearly.

I close my eyes and roll my shoulders, cracking my back in the process, I exhale and turn on the faucet.

I take out my retainer and brush my teeth, then my retainer.

Stripping, I drop my pajamas to the ground and turn on the water to shower.

As I wait for the water to warm up, I stand in the middle of my bathroom deciding if I should tell my mom about my back pain.

After the water heats up, I step in and decide that I won't tell her anything.

The last few times she hasn't really done anything, and when she does the doctors say I'm fine, I think to myself. No reason to stress her out.

I wash my hair and my body, shaving my armpits and legs since I had swim practice tonight. After I finish showering, I just stand in the water and wait until it gets cold. When the water finally gets cold, I let out a sigh and get out.

Wrapping the towel around my body, I pick up my clothes and head back to my room. I remove the towel from my body and use it to dry my hair. As I'm drying my hair I go over to my bedside table and check the time on my phone.

5:13 a.m.

Walking over to my dresser, I take out a pair of underwear and pajamas and put those on.

I brush out my hair and take my phone off the charger, walking downstairs.

I plug my phone in downstairs and take a bowl and fill it with cereal.

I eat and scroll through my Snapchat and Instagram, not really in the mood to be awake.

After I finish my cereal I was still hungry so I get another bowl and fill it with some fruit. When I finish eating the fruit, I'm full so I put everything in the dishwasher and check the time.

5:55 a.m.

I let out a grunt and unplug my phone and head upstairs. When I get back to my room I plug my phone in again, I need to have 100% because if not, I'd cut a bitch.

I sit on my bed I grab my phone and lean my elbows onto my knees.

As soon as I do so, I feel a terrible pain in my back. I take a sharp breath, trying to be quiet. I slowly sit up trying not to make any noise. Thankfully, the pain eases a little after I sit up, and I crack my back because of the uncomfortable feeling that the pain has left behind.

I shake my head and turn on my alarms for 6:30 a.m. and 6:35 a.m. Since I need to leave the house around 6:40 because my bus gets here at 6:50 and I need to pick my neighbor Lauren up, I don't want to be off schedule.

I spend half an hour just switching through Instagram and Snapchat, trying to find something that interests me.

When the alarm rings, I turn it off and put my clothes on.

Since I don't have gym today, I wear black ripped jeans, my Stilinski sweater and combat boots.

By the time my second alarm rings, I'm ready and walking out the door with my bag.

I sit on the couch and close my eyes waiting for my mom to be ready to leave.

"You have gym?" She asks with a thick Spanish accent.

I shake my head, my eyes still closed.

"Kykuna, vamos," my mom says.

I sigh and stand up, walking out the door and to our car.

We pull out and drive two houses down to pick up Lilliana.

"Acuérdate a decirle hola a Lilliana," my mom says.

I nod, looking at the time and then out the window.

6:49. Where is this girl? She's always late and I swear, one day I'm going to miss the bus because of her.

Lilliana then walks out of her house and takes her time getting to the car.

She gets in and my mother says good morning, and I say "hi" in a husky voice due to the fact this is the first time I've used it today.

As usual, Lilliana doesn't respond to us.

Not because she's retarded or mute, but because she's rude and doesn't know it's polite to respond to someone when they say hello.

I roll my eyes, as my mom peels down the street, turns right and then peels down that street just in time for us to be able to get onto the bus. I open my car door and pick my bag up off the ground, my back is killing me in the process, the pain only intensifying as I put the bag onto my back.

"Have a good day!" My mom calls.

"You too mama," I respond, and as usual, Lilliana doesn't answer.

I roll my eyes at her behavior and quickly walk onto the bus to leave the cold.

Holaaaa, im River.

Down here I'll most likely just post the translations, and I know that there are many different versions of Spanish so if this isn't how you speak it, oof.

I'll do it all in order for translating like, if it came first, that's going to be the first thing to be seen in the translation section.

Okay so-


Vamos: let's go

Acuérdate a decirle hola a Lilliana: remember to say hi to Lilliana

Anyways. See you next Friday.

Peace (insert peace sign).

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