Chapter 32

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It is now Saturday and Adonis and I are at the mall.

"Let's go to Track 23!" I say, excitement clear in my voice. "They have really nice shirts."

Adonis looks at me and nods, following me to the store. Once we get to the store, I head straight to the middle of the women's section. I let my eyes skim over all of the tops before my eyes land on one that I adore. I quickly walk over to it and take it off the rack, making sure it's my size, before turning to Adonis.

"You like?" I ask, holding the shirt to my chest so he could see it.

"Si, Mía Reginetta," he says, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Try it on first though."

I nod and head to the changing room, shirt in hand. I go into a room and change into the shirt. Once I finish changing, I look at myself in the mirror and smile.

The shirt is kind of like a cropped tank top, with a zipper in the middle, between my boobs, to keep it together. The shirt is all black with thin white lines on both sides of the zipper. I walk out of the room to ask Adonis how I look and once he sees, his eyes turn white.

"Adonis," I hiss. "We're in public."

"You look good, Reginetta," he says with a small growl.

I roll my eyes and smile. "I know."

I change back into the shirt I was wearing before and walk out of the changing room, Adonis wrapping his arm around my waist. We wait in line at the cashier and I start to take out my money to pay for my shirt, only for my wallet to be ripped off of my hands.

"What the fuck!" I yell.

"No," Adonis says.

"No what?" I ask, reaching for my wallet, just for him to hold his hand up higher. I glare at him while he smirks down at me. "Adonis, give me my wallet. I need to pay for my clothes. We may be soulmates but we are not Bonnie and Clyde."

"You're not paying," Adonis says, putting my wallet in his pocket and taking out his own. "I am."

I glare at him before looking at the price of the shirt. $7.00. Not that bad. I mean, the cheapness but good quality of the clothes is why I usually go to this store .

"Fine," I mumble. "But after this we're going home."

"Why," he asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"Because I don't want you for your money and I'm not going to ever let you think that," I said with a shrug before putting my shirt on the counter and smiling at the cashier.

They smile back at me before I hear Adonis's answer.

"That's stupid," he says handing the cashier his credit card.

"You're stupid," I said taking the bag from the cashier. "Thank you."

I walk out of the store, Adonis following me.

"Are you mad, Mía Reginetta?" He asks from behind me.

I turn around and roll my eyes.

"I'm not mad," I said taking his hand in mine. "I just don't want you to think I'm a gold digger."

"Are you?" He asks.

I look at him as if he's an idiot. Which he is.

"Yes, Adonis. I am only with you because of your money," I say sarcastically.

He narrows his eyes at me and smirks.

"You won't have that attitude when we get home," he says, stepping closer to me.

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