Chapter 17 ♦️

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Lucifer and I follow God to a large white room made of mostly tile and in the middle were three thrones.

God in the middle, Jesus on the right, Mary on the left.

"Damn, so this is real," I say. "Thought it was just a science project gone wrong."

Lucifer chuckles and I grin.

"Lucifer," God says. "Why didn't you stop your sister from saying all of those sinful things she did?"

Before Lucifer could answer, purple swarms my vision and I speak. "Father, are you not going to forgive me? I thought you loved all of your children?"

God gasps and quickly turns to me. I have a sad look on my face but on the inside I was laughing so hard.

"Of course my child, you are forgiven. Just say three 'Our Father's' and one 'Holy Mary' and your soul will be purified," he says.

I look at him and then look at Lucifer, and he sees the purple reducing from my eyes and he rolls his eyes but smirks.

"She's not going to do that," Lucifer says.

God looks confused and then looks over at me.

"I'm not going to do that," I repeat. "We came here to find out what I am the Angel of."

"Oh," God says. "Of course, of course. Tell me, what color or colors do you see?"

"Blue, gold, red, black and purple. I also had a voice in my head," I say.

"Can you describe what was happening when each of these colors came, and the voice."

I nod and tell him each instance.

Blue, and a feeling in my gut when I felt something bad was going to happen.

Red, when I feel anger.

Black, when I felt the thirst for justice and equality.

"Gold I didn't really feel anything. I put my wings out all the way and blood didn't get onto me or the person my wings were blocking," I say. " I don't really know any feeling for purple. I just guess I was manipulating the person. When I asked for your forgiveness but realized I didn't want it did you feel manipulated?" God nods a little. "Then yes, purple is tied with manipulation."

"What about the voice?" God asks.

"A guy put some white powder in one of my drinks and and the voice told me not to drink it because it was bad."

He nods then looks up. After a few seconds of him looking up, he looks back at me.

"You are the Angel of Protection which is gold, Rage which is red, Bad Omens which is blue, Vengeance which is black and Manipulation which is purple," God says. "The voice is just there to help you survive, so if the voice tells you to do something or not to do something, I strongly suggest that you listen to it."

I nod. "Well, it was nice to see you, but I want to go home. Got school tomorrow."

God nods and Lucifer and I walk out to the main part of Heaven where all the other Angels were and they all froze when they saw us.

"Lucifer and the human are back!" They all whisper.

I smirk and let my wings out, showing everyone that I am in fact not human, and related to Lucifer.

"She is Lucifer's relative!" Many gasp around us.

"His sister!" I yell.

Many people gasp and I laugh quietly, lifting myself off of the ground and looking back at the tree where I saw the boy, before flying off.

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