Chapter 20

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I walk into my room, Adonis behind me. I lie down on my bed and plug in my phone.

"What are your favorite quotes?" I ask Adonis.  

"What makes you think I have a favorite quote?" He asks, smirking.

"Everyone has a saying or something they heard that they like," I say. "And your smirk reinforces the idea of you having one."

Adonis looks at me and then nods.

"I have a few," he admits. "How many do you want to hear?" He asks.

"All of them," I say facing him, fully interested.

He looks at me skeptically but nods.

"The first one is 'When you focus on the good, the good gets better.'"

"That's pretty," I say and he nods. "What's another one?"

"'If there is true evil in this world, it lies in the heart of mankind.'"

"Not wrong," I mumble. "Next, please."

"'The sun sees what I do but the moon knows all my secrets.'"

"'Sometimes you just have to stay silent because no words can explain what's going on in your mind.'"

"'His love roared louder than her demons.'"

At that I tense.

He doesn't love me. I look at him. He can't love me.

"Next one please," I mumble.

Adonis looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed but continues.

"The next one is 'Only in the darkness can you see the stars.'"


"'Dont depend too much in anyone in this world. Even your shadow leaves you when you're in darkness.'"

I look away but continue listening.

"'Cold as ice, but in the right hands she melts.'"

I look at Adonis and see him already looking at me.

"All of those are beautiful," I say softly.

Adonis nods. "What are yours?"

"They aren't important and not nearly as beautiful as yours," I say, trying to get out of it.

"No, they are probably gorgeous," he says. "Please, tell me."

"Adonis." I sigh. I look at him and he holds my stare. "Fine."

Adonis smiles and I roll my eyes.

"'I stay saying 'it is what it is' but I know deep down in my heart wishes shit would be different.'"

"'There's fire in her. If loved correctly, she will warm your entire home. If abused, she will burn it down.'"

"'Silence is the worst scream.'"

"'My heart became to cold to break.'"

"'She changed to be cold, so no one could hurt her.'"

"'Never have I dealt with anything more difficult than my own soul.'"

"'I like being alone but I hate being lonely.'"

"'One lie is enough to question all truths.'"

"'What doesn't kill you fucks you up mentally.'"

"'She didn't know who would leave or stay, so she pushed them all away.'"

I didn't look at Adonis saying any of these quotes.

I feel a dip in the bed next to me and Adonis grabs me and pulls me onto his lap, hugging me to him.

"What have you been through?" He whispers and I tense.

"That's for another day, Angel."


I wake up because I have to pee. If I didn't then I would be sleeping.

I try and stand up but feel something holding me down. I roll my eyes and kick off the blankets off of my and start standing up. I get out of bed and before I could walk away, a hand grabs onto my pajama pants and holds me on place.

"Holy fuck," I yell.

"Language, Mía Reginetta," Adonis mumbles half asleep.

"I need to piss," I say trying to get his hand off of me.

Adonis groans but let's me go.

I pee and then flush the toilet and wash my hands before heading back to bed. I lay down, my back towards Adonis. He pulls me towards him and right before I fall asleep, I hear him whisper something.

"I will be there."


When I woke up, Adonis wasn't there but there was a note saying that he had fun last night but needed to take care of something.

Freshman barely know anything.

I ignore all of the thoughts in my head and do my daily routine and head to school.

Do you think he'd be with someone? I ask the voice in my head.

I hear nothing for a few minutes but then she gives me an answer. No.

I don't say anything to her after and step out of Jason's car and head into the school.

"You need to explain," Laviana said when she saw me.

I look and her and then nod.

"In due time, I promise."


This is actually really fucking bad, so I'm going to post the next chapter today as well

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