Chapter 48

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May 31st.

I sigh, looking around the kitchen with tired eyes. There is enough food for the heads of the royal families for a little while, but when everyone else gets here, I'm going to have to go out and buy more food.

I close my eyes and lean against the kitchen wall. I stayed up until one in the morning writing up different strategies that could possibly work and prevent the most deaths on our side. Now, at nine in the morning, I feel drained. Although I got eight hours of sleep, flying for about two days really tires someone out, especially when they're flying themselves and not flying on a plane.

I feel someone come into the kitchen and my eyebrows furrow. Everyone was out right now, due to my request, except for Adonis. Although everyone that's fighting needs to be here to know the positions they need to take, I want to set everything up so little to no chaos or confusion occurs on the field. 

I feel the person walk over to me and I tense. Although my eyes were still shut, I knew it wasn't Adonis. I feel them put their hand in my hair and turn my head to the side.

"Get the fuck off of me before I call him," I say calmly.

I feel the person tense before continuing to touch me. I sigh in annoyance before open my mouth to call Adonis.

Before I can call him, the person places their hand on top of my mouth causing my eyes to spring open. My wide eyes quickly narrow in hostility. I start to speak but his hand on my mouth causes it to come out muffled.

"I'm going to take my hand off your mouth, but you can't call for him, okay?" He says, and I growl lowly but nod.

The second his hand is away from my mouth, I snap. "What the actual fuck, Theo?"

"I just wanted to talk to you," he says innocently.

I snarl at him, my eyes flashing black and red. 

Can you help me out? I ask Daeva.

What do you have in mind?

Can you mind link Adonis like the Werewolves can mind link each other?

No, I can only contact other Angels with voices and ask them to tell their Angel what I told them.


"You can talk to me when you get away from me, I can't promise your safety at this proximity," I try to say sweetly.

"I think I like how close we are," he said, taking a step closer to me.

I let my eyes change and I growl and snarl loudly at him, trying to get Adonis's attention. I hear someone's footsteps upstairs and I continue to snarl at Theo, flashing my fangs in the process. His eyes widen and he takes two small steps back but doesn't end the physical contact he initiated.

When he's too far from me, he starts to slowly pull me forward by the hand that's still in my hair. He's a persistent bitch, I know. It's annoying.

I notice the room get darker and I turn my head to the kitchen entrance and smile, my eyes going back to their natural onyx color.

I feel a light tug in my hair and I scowl before turning to face Theo. His hand slips from my hair and onto my arm and he pulls me so my body was pressed against his body. Adonis and I snarl in unison, and seconds later, the door breaks open and a large silver wolf was standing in the room, glaring at everyone.

When I felt Theo freeze, I tried to get away, but he got back to his senses and pulled me towards him, so hard it caused me to cough. Adonis's growled loudly and the wolf pounced at the same time.

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