Chapter 27

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I wake up between a chest and the back of a couch.

"God damn it," I mumble, trying to get my ass out of Adonis's hold.

With slow movements, I unwrap his arms from around me. I try to get up, only to have my ass get stuck between Adonis's hips and the back of the couch. I move my hips quickly and I get out from between Adonis and the couch. As I'm standing up, Adonis groans and puts his arms out, trying to grab something. My eyes widen and I quickly let my wings out and lift myself out of his reach. Adonis's eyebrows furrow as he reached out but didn't grab onto anything.

"Mía Reginetta," he mumbles in his sleep.

I smile softly, lowering myself a little and kiss his cheek.

"It's okay," I say softly. "I'll be right back."

Adonis loses the tenseness in his body but his eyebrows are still furrowed.

I fly over to the bathroom and wait in line to go.

"Ky?" Someone says and I turn around to see Pete.

"Hey Pete," I say, smiling.

"I didn't expect you to have wings," he says. "They're beautiful, like your tits."

"Oh my fucking God. Pete." I laugh. "You better be careful with what you say now, buddy. You see Adonis doesn't take things lightly."

"I can totally beat him up," Pete says, flexing his tiny muscles and spreading his wings out.

"Oh yeah, one hundred percent," I say with a sarcastic nod. "Adonis would fall at your feet in fear."

"You know it," he says.

I laugh and turn around to move up in line and I feel Pete touch my upper thigh. I jump and spin around in the air to face him. My eyes were wide and I was about to laugh my ass off.

"Pete!" I yell, laughing even though what he did was weird. Sadly, stuff like this was normal.

"Sorry, sorry. I'll stop," he says, putting his hands up in a sign of surrender.

I look at him as if I don't believe him and it's because I don't. I knew that he'd do something stupid again.

The person in front of me just went into the bathroom so thank God I'll be next.

I'm going to piss myself if I have to hold it any longer, I think to myself.

The person got out of the bathroom about three minutes after they went in.

"See you later, Ky," Pete says petting my wing before I went into the bathroom.

I look at him and shake my head, laughing and take in my wings.

I shut and lock the bathroom door and do my business before flushing the toilet and washing my hands. I put my hand in front of my mouth and and blow my breath into it, seeing if it smells bad. I pulled my face away from my hand, not liking the smell. It's not repulsive, but it is definitely not something I'd want to be around 24/7. I take a mouthful of sink water and wash my mouth like that before spitting it out, drying my hands and face and leaving the bathroom.

When I walk out I hear someone call my name.

"Hey Claire," I say with a smile.

"Hey! That was something when you introduced yourself!" Claire chuckles.

"Oh yeah," I say, laughing slightly.

"It's so cool you're an actual Angel!" She exclaims. "I knew I kept you around for something!"

"Man, shut up." I laugh. "I love your wings by the way. Is your relative a mom or more distant?"

"No, not a mom," Claire says. "Cunas is a first cousin. And thank you, I brush them everyday."

"I now know why you're so smart." I laugh. "And tell me you're joking. You don't, do you? Do I have bad wing hygiene?"

"No, no, I'm teasing," she says. "I think they're like animals, like, wash them like once a month or just a few times a year."

"Alright then." I nod. "Sorry, but I need to get back to Adonis. We'll talk more next time, I promise."

"Alright, see you later comrade," she says with a wave.

I wave back and start walking away before remembering something.

"Oh, Claire!" I yell, catching her attention. "Next time we talk you got to tell me what's been going on with you and Ocean View!"

"Will do!" She laughs.

As I'm walking back to where Adonis is, a few people tried to talk to me but I always responded with, "I'm sorry, I can't talk right now. Another time." Or, "I really need to get back to Adonis, sorry."

"Mía Reginetta," I hear and Adonis was still reaching out for me.

Before I can get into close proximity with Adonis, Dot goes up and climbs into Adonis's arms. I stop walking and watch what Adonis does.

"Mía Reginetta," he mumbles before hugging Dot closer. He takes a deep breath and then turns rigid. His eyes immediately shot open and he pushed Dot off of him.

"I told you to stay away from me," Adonis booms, catching the attention of everyone in the room.

"But Adonis, baby," Dot says causing the majority to cringe. "You're so hot, and I'm hot. We should be together. Not you and that whore."

"How am I a whore?" I said coming up behind Dot.

"You've been with like, so many guys," she says snottily and I raise my eyebrows, unimpressed.

"Please," I say in a bored tone. "Who are the many men I've been with?"

"Santiago," she says with a smirk.

"I dated him, I didn't get with him," I respond without hesitation.

"Zayden," she said.

"We liked each other but nothing happened," I respond.

"Gabriel." Dot knows a few guys since she used to be my best friend.

"Harmless flirting," I say coolly.


"He flirted with me, and I didn't respond."

"That Xander kid from downtown."

"He's barely a friend. I didn't really speak to him back then and the same now."

"Well, how about," Dot says, trying to come up with someone. "How about-"

"I got all day D, you know me. I'm not a slut," I say looking her in the eyes.

She grunts then walks away, and once she's out from between Adonis and I, Adonis pulls me to him.

"You saw I pushed her away right when I noticed she wasn't you," he says.

"Yes, I know you were the victim," I say sarcastically and then look around. "They're staring."

Adonis looks around with a glare. "Fuck off."

"Adonis, be nice to them if they didn't do anything," I say with a small laugh.

"They made Mía Reginetta feel uncomfortable," he responds staring at me and I smile softly. "Now to more important matters, Santiago."


Mía Reginetta- my Queen

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