Chapter 31

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When they roar, Laviana quickly takes a step back.

"What the fuck?" she yells.

I look at Laviana before looking back at my dragons. They have never had this reaction towards anyone. When they first met Adonis, they were a little more alert than usual but they never roared like that. I wasn't just going to dismiss it, I know my babies. Something is wrong.

"Um, Laviana, go inside," I say. "I'll talk to them."

Laviana nods and starts walking inside. Once she's out of earshot, I turn around to face the dragons, Lucifer and Adonis.

"What was that?" Lucifer asks.

I look at my dragons before answering.

"A warning."

"What do you mean?" Lucifer asks.

"My dragons are smart," I say, petting Hail. "I don't know what they think, but hopefully I'll be able to figure out what just happened. They didn't do this because they just wanted to. They had a reason."

"What do you think it was?" Lucifer asks.

"I'm not sure." I tilt my head. "Babies, look at me." When I get their attention I inform them on what I need them to do. "I'm going to start saying why I think you did what you did, and so will Adonis and Lucifer, and you'll answer, okay? If I get close to the reason, spread your wings, and if I get the answer nod your heads, okay?"

The dragons nod in understanding and I start listing off reasons as to why they exploded on Laviana.

"You didn't want to meet her?" Nothing.

"You didn't want her touching you?" Nothing.

"Because you didn't trust her?" Lucifer asks and they spread their wings.

"You didn't trust her because you don't know her?" I ask and their wings retract.

I bite my lip, thinking of why they acted the way they did.

"You don't trust her because she is doing or will do something bad," Adonis says. "She'll hurt Ky."

The dragons spread their wings and nod.

"Alright," I sigh. "I trust you four. I'll take her home."

I kiss all of their foreheads before they fly away and the boys and I walk inside. I see Laviana sitting on the couch with my sister. I quickly stop walking and listen to their conversation.

This is honestly going to be Laviana's make or break moment for me. One day when Laviana and I were arguing, my sister told me how Laviana was being extremely disrespectful towards her. Laviana knows I'd beat the shit out of someone if they talked down on my sister, especially when she doesn't deserve it.

"What are you doing here?" Mercedes asks Laviana, looking up from her phone.

"It's none of your business," Laviana snaps at Mercy. "Why are you here? Do you have wings?"

"No, but Ky-" she starts but is cut off by Laviana.

"I don't care, shut up."

I tense and my wings flare out, red creeping into my vision. I start walking over to Laviana but someone holds me back.

"You can't run in there," Adonis whispers. "We need to know what she's planning."

I nod and some of the red leaves my vision.

"Laviana," I said sharply and she quickly turns to me.

"Hey, did you figure out what's wrong with your dragons?" She asks.

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