Chapter 50

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June 1st.

I bite my lip as tears silently stream down my face. This was my breaking point. I didn't cry when I found out my family died, it's cold, I know, but I was just so used to keeping my feelings to myself. I've tried so many times, even when my family was alive to make myself cry. I know it isn't healthy to keep how you feel inside, yet I can't help but do it.

Santiago broke me. He was my first boyfriend, albeit middle school relationships barely count as relationships. He was the first person that wasn't part of my family that told me they loved me, and I believed it, whether it was a sibling love or something more. Him saying that he would drop the four years of friendship for his new girlfriend tore me apart. He knows why he means so much to me and why I need him in my life. I wanted to kill myself during middle school since things were so bad with my family. He was the one that always made me believe that I was with something, that people cared about and loved me.

I guess he lied.

A sob escapes my throat and I quickly put my hand over my mouth, trying to muffle it so no one became alert to my breakdown. After a few seconds of holding in sobs, someone knocks on the door. My breathing quickens and I try to steady out my breathing before responding.

"Yeah," I ask, a small waver in my voice that I hope the person behind the bathroom door doesn't hear.

"Ky, let me in," Adonis says softly.

"Okay, give me one minute," I say quietly. Back to the routine.

I stand from the toilet and walk to the sink, tilting my head back.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, I chant in my head, trying to calm myself down.

I repeat the mantra over and over as I take deep breaths, staring at the ceiling. Once I calm down, I look in the mirror and see that my eyes are puffy. I roll my eyes and sniff before splashing cold water into my face.

Once I felt like I was presentable enough, I opened the door and Adonis quickly pulls me to him.

"Hey, baby," he said softly in my ear. "You doing okay?"

I tense and bite my tongue, not wanting to start crying again. I nod.

He's quiet for a moment before pulling away and looking down at me with narrows eyes. He looks into my eyes and his face softens and I scowl. I don't want his pity. I pull away from him and put on my Sanoks before walking downstairs and grabbing a water bottle before chugging it.

"Ky!" Emera calls out and I sigh before shaking myself out. Everything is okay.

I turn around and walk out of the kitchen, following Emera's mumbled words. I lean against the wall behind her, not making a sound.

"Where the hell is she? They're all going to be he-oh my fuck!" She yells once she sees me and I break out into genuine laughter. I love scaring her. "Why? Why must you do that? You almost killed me!"

I look at her with a smile on my face and shrug. She rolls her eyes before laughing a little. "It's 11:55, they should be here soon if they're not already."

I nod and start walking to the front door to meet everyone outside, but a hand on my arm stops me. I turn around and raise my eyebrows at Emera.

"You okay?" She asks and I give her a small smile before nodding.

"Let's go outside to meet them," I say softly before turning around and walking out the door.

I see Thistle and seventeen Demons with her, Lennix had fifteen wolves, Mira has ten Bampires, Chanilla has ten people with her and Kelleia had seventeen people with her. I look over at the Fairies and see that they only have seven Fairies with them. I furrow my eyebrows. Will that be enough?

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