Chapter 36

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Throughout the rest of the day, I acted as if though I was okay and what I saw Adonis do didn't hurt me. I know that having his arm around someone else isn't that bad, but I don't know if his arm around her is the only thing he's done with her other than speaking with her. Did they kiss? Did they have a relationship before he met me? Did they have a quickie because I haven't had sex with him yet?

Freshman barely know anything.

I clench my jaw and curse Laviana in my head for putting that stupid sentence in my head.

Thankfully, the bell is going to ring in ten minutes, then I can go home and talk to my dragons a little before going to Heaven and finally finding out what Laviana was planning. I'm in English right now so it's not that bad since we're reading "Master Harold"... and the boys, and Claire is in my class.

Claire and I can't speak about any of the Angel stuff openly since the two other girls we sit with are humans, so until the bell rings, we talk about nonsense. As we're walking out of then door when class ends, I pull Claire to the side of the hallway.

"Hey, I'm going to talk to Ezotol to see what Laviana is keeping. Can you do me a favor and tell whatever Angels you see to meet in our room during advisory?" I ask her and she nods. "Thanks. Tell them to tell other Angles in the school that they know. We can't leave anyone left out, especially if something is going to happen like I believe it is."

Claire smiles at me before we start walking out the school doors.

"With you here helping us, we will be better off than if we didn't have you," Claire said and I smile. "No matter what happens, the odds will be in our favor because of you."

"Thanks," I said softly. "I have to go. See you tomorrow."

"Bye Ky," Claire calls as I walk away. I don't turn to face her but I raise my hand and wave, letting her know that I heard a her.

I quickly walk to the parking lot, hoping Theo didn't forget me. On my way to Theo's car, I see Adonis opening the door for the female before shutting it and walking around to his side, a smile on his face.

He smiles more around her than around me.

Get over yourself Ky. It could be a relative.

No, the voice in my head says. Not relative with mate.

I bite my lip, hoping that the pain from that will stop me from crying. Before I reach Theo's car, I see Adonis place his hand on the females thigh and that's when I broke.

No, I didn't cry. No, I didn't run over to him and make a fool of myself. I let all of my emotions drain out of me, leaving me feeling empty. My eyes held no emotion and now I wasn't going to avoid Adonis's gaze. If our eyes meet, they meet. He fucked up.

I get into Theo's car, not saying a word to him.

"Hey little bug," he says and I clench my jaw.

"Don't call me that," I said.

"I've got to have a nickname for my girl."

"I'm not your girl," I ground out. "You're merely a means to an end."

"What does that mean?" He asked as he drove us home.

"Figure it out," I said to him before looking out the window, ignoring him the rest of the car ride. I might seem like a bitch but I honestly just wanted a ride from him because I didn't want to ride with Adonis this morning.

We got home after fifteen minutes. We made a pit stop at the CVS that was by our house. I had a feeling I was going to need these blades. I never promised him anything, I just said 'yes' when he told me to be loyal to all those that deserve it. I'm not breaking any promises.

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