Chapter 37

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I quickly reach Heaven, but unlike normal, I don't break through the barrier. I fly in front of it, knocking frantically, and soon enough Angelo comes up to the barrier.

"Is my barrier keeping Kykuna Knight out?" Angelo says proudly.

"No, Angelo, it's not," I said in no joking mood. "I need to be let in. It's important. I need to speak to Ezotol."

"No can do," he said. "We don't let evil in here."

"You have a fuck ton of murderers in there, I hope you know that. Right now is not the time to argue with me Angelo. I have business with Ezotol."

"What kind?"

"I need to know what the Hunters are up to."

"Hunters?" He asks, shocked.

"Yes, Hunters. There are a lot more in the area, so if you can please let me in so I can figure out what their plan is, that'd be great."

"Of course, of course," Angelo said, doing something before the barrier opened and I flew in.

I went to the middle of the square and made sure that everyone would be able to see me before I got their attention.

"Oh my gosh! It's the one who put Thides to sleep!"

"Look, I really don't have time for this. Where is Ezotol?" I yell, trying to get their attention.

"Why do you need him?" An Angel asks.

"I'm trying to prepare a defense for the attack that the Hunters are most likely going to pull. Ezotol is the only person that can help right now." I respond. "Where is he?"

"I'm right here," someone says from behind me and I turn around and quickly fly over to him and grab his wrist, dragging him to a place we could talk privately.

"Okay, Ezotol, need you to tell me the recent secrets Laviana has been keeping. It most likely has to do with Hunters or something about me." Ezotol looks at me, pain in his eyes and I furrow my eyebrows. "You good?"

"Yes. It's just that this plan of the Hunters went back way earlier than expected," he says in a low voice.

"What do you mean?" I ask but he stays silent. "Ezotol."

"It started with your father," he says and I go quiet. "I need to confirm some things along the way, alright?" I nod and Ezotol starts the secrets Laviana has been keeping.

"You're father smoked, yes?" He asks and I nod. "The day your father was taken into the hospital, someone put an untraceable drug in his cigarettes. Over those three months, a doctor that worked for the Hunters made sure that the medicine wasn't strong enough to heal him completely, but enough so people aren't suspicious. All of the people that were involved with your fathers death were Hunters or worked with Hunters. Same for your mother and your brother. The truck driver that hit them was a Hunter."

"How did they know to target my parents?" I ask, trying to keep my emotions out of this. Emotions will fuck this up.

"You're brothers wife, Esperanza, correct?" I nod. "She was working with the Hunters."

I growled at that information before nodding at Ezotol to continue. I knew I didn't like her for a reason.

"She tipped the Hunters that you were an Angel. She told them where your mother and brother were. She told the man about your fathers addiction. Now, her death. It was a suicide, just not a suicide out of grief. It was a suicide of safety. If she's dead she can't be guilty." I growl once again but let him continue. "This ties in with Laviana and her family because the Wright/Abinet family were the ones who were behind all of these deaths. Laviana's family is planning on attacking the house you and others are staying in. The attack is planned eight nights from today, making it June 4th at 9:30 p.m."

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