Chapter 42

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May 29th.

As I'm flying home to change into fresh clothes, I look at the notebook and mentally cross off New York and Rhode Island. We just need to speak to the Merpeople, Werewolves and Nymphs.

How are we going to be able to catch the attention of the Mers? I don't even know where in the Atlantic Ocean they're located.

I groan as I land on the porch of my house. I open the door and freeze at the sight. Adonis was holding Theo up by his throat. I sigh, shaking my head.

"Adonis, leave him alone. Change into something you can wear for a couple of days. We're going to the last locations."

"But Ky, he-" he starts but I cut him off.

"I don't care. Unless he raped, hurt or killed someone, it doesn't matter. He doesn't matter," I say, walking upstairs.

I hear a thud and a groan before I reach my room. I sigh, closing my eyes and cracking my back before going to my closet and picking out clothes. I take my wings in and change into an open back tank top and shorts. I grab two extra pairs of underwear, since I don't know how long we'll be gone, and shove them in my back pocket.

Since the furthest place we need to go is Texas, that will be our last destination. We will visit the Mers first. Is it like in stories where their tails turn to legs if they're on land or will they just dry out and die?

I crack my knuckles as I walk downstairs, still thinking of how we're going to get in contact with the King of the fucking ocean.

"Come on Adonis," I call, letting my wings out.

I hear the door shut behind me and a rustle, letting me know his wings are out. I lift myself into the air before turning to Adonis.

"We need to visit three more royal families," I tell him and he nods. "The Mers in the Atlantic, the Nymphs in Florida and the Werewolves in Texas. We're going to go to the Atlantic first. If you have any ideas on how to find the Mers, let me know."

"I'm not sure if this is true but I heard if another supernatural is noticed by the Mers, they will usually come up and ask about you're business," Adonis says.

I nod and start flying, asking Daeva to make a path to where they are most likely to be.

"I asked Daeva to make a path to where she thinks the Mers will be."

"Who's Daeva?" He asks, confusion clear in his voice.

"She's the voice in my head," I mumble, tired more than embarrassed. Staying up late thinking about your soulmate, especially when they act like dicks, takes a toll.

"You have a voice?" He asks, shocked.

I huff and nod my head, trying to subtly go faster. Adonis notices and starts to speak but cuts himself off.

We fly in silence for about fifteen minute before I hear my phone ringing. I take it out of my pocket and see it's an unknown number. Out of habit, I mute the ringer, but remember that the royal families know my number. Could this be the Vampires?


"Hello, I would like to ask if you wanted a better signal to your telev-" I hung up with a growl, the hope in my chest crushed.

"What happened?" Adonis asks from behind me.

"Fucking sales person called me and I thought it was the Vampires to talk about what's coming up." My annoyance and frustration was quickly growing, but I tried not to let it show. It's not Adonis's problem to deal with.

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