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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I ran up to the front door of the small cabin we lived in.

Having been chased away from where we previously lived, we settled here, and for some reason, the people here.... they too... secluded us. They say my father is a dark magician and that he will curse them, I do not think the same.

My father is so nice to us, me and my sister. I have heard of fathers becoming really rude to their children, but our father loves us a lot, even after mother.... was.... I shook my head to clear the memory from my brain and returned to my position of peeking outside the front door.

"Father!" I called out with teary eyes, worried for his wellbeing. He was standing just inside the forcefield surrounding our house.

"(Y/n)!" My father's eyes widened as he looked at me "I thought you were asleep?" He asked me as the other man and a boy looked at him.

"She is your daughter?" He said, he was wearing cracked glasses, and a dirty coat. His clothes were damaged at some points, and he had grey and white hair. My father gave me a smile, a comforting one as he came to me.

"Go inside, don't open the door until I come back, it's dangerous out of the forcefield, so watch out, and take care of your sister. I'll be back" he patted my head as I sniffed and hugged him, my small arms wrapped around his bigger frame.

"Father..." I whispered.

"Yes?" He asked in a soft tone as he comforted me.

"Promise me..." I sniffed and hugged him tighter "Promise me that you will return to us..." I whispered and my father froze, I felt his hesitation and tensed muscles until he relaxed.

"Yes, I promise" I could feel his smile, and I got to see it when he parted from me. He pecked my forehead and ruffled my hair one last time before he stood up. "I promise I will return to you both" the same smile was on his face, a comforting, true smile. I smiled back and watched the three males as they left with dread hanging in my stomach.

A dog, a big dog, the size of my body walked up beside me. His deep brown fur shined as his big blue eyes looked at me softly. He nuzzled my face and patted my hand with his paw. I smiled and hugged him.

"You're right Sap" I parted from him and we went inside, only to hear my little sister crying. My one year old sister looked up at me with big glossy black eyes and a pout as I entered our shared bedroom. Despite being eleven, I can take care of her well enough, mother has taught me how to... because my father isn't very good at it.

I walked up to her and picked her up from her bed.

"Hewwo Liz" I made a cute face as she curled up close to me.

"You hungry?" I asked her, already descending downstairs, followed by my father's familiar. My sister nodded and I placed her down on the kitchen floor.

"Sap, watch over her" the dog obliged to me wish and nudged my sister, bringing her attention to him. I warmed up some milk and put it in a bottle.

I walked up to her and handed her the small bottle, she took it and started making a mess as she drank the milk. I sighed and ate the breakfast my father left me, sharing parts and bits with Liz and Sap.


We were sitting by the window when it happened. I looked outside and saw the wave which dispersed the once red sky. The rip in the fabric of the dimensions closed up and a huge wave went across the sky, clearing up the mess made by the dream demon, Bill Cipher.

The bubbled popped, time went back to normal, the sky became blue, the tree went to their normal shape, the once alive objects went to their natural death like still state, and the pyramid fell down, it's pieces fell down like raindrops. I joint my hands and silently prayed to god for the safety of my father, after all, it has been three days.

Not just me, but Sap is also worried. My sister pulled me away from the window as I forced the bad feeling to the pits of my stomach.

I heard a ding dong, and dropping the book I was reading, I yelped in pain as the thick book smashed my toe. Holding my hurt feet in my hand I jumped on one feet around the room with pained 'ows'. My sister facepalmed and Sap gave me a look which suggested that he was doing the same but without doing it.

My leg that I was jumping around on got stuck on the carpet, and I fell face first, or I was about to, but I found the soft fur of Sap under me. I could tell he was going oof.

"(Y/n), sweetie, are you okay?" My father called out from outside the door.

"Yeet!" I shouted and my eyes widened as I stuck my tongue at my mistake "I mean yep!" I stood up and hurried to the door, opening it after unlocking the magic lock.

Behind the door was the figure of my father. He gave me a smile and I cheerfully hugged him, happy that he was safe. He chuckled and patted the top of my head as my sister crawled up to us, along with Sap, father hugged all three of us.

"I missed you guys" he cheerfully said as tears lined his eyes. We separated and it was then I noticed the figures behind him. The same man who had a labcoat and cracked glasses, joined by another identical man wearing a Pac man themed hat and a black suit.

The boy was there, he had brown hair and black eyes, there was another girl, with same brown hair and black eyes, another pair of identical twins. I blinked and quickly bowed in apology.

"I apologize for my mistake, please come inside" I gave them space and they all entered.

"(Y/n), their house was destroyed during our fight, so they will stay here a few days" my father told me and I nodded, my hair dancing in all directions.

"Hello everybody, my name is (y/n), and this is Eliza, and this is Sapphire" I introduced all three of us.

"Stanford" the cracked glasses guy said and game me a friendly smile.

"Stanley, you can call me Gramps though" the other guy winked playfully and smiled. I nodded with the same cheerful smile.

"I am Dipper" the boy smiled and held out his hand, I shook it.

"Mabel" the girl smiled huge, showing her teeth. I smiled back and bowed politely, trying not to let my shyness show.

"It is nice to meet all of you, I hope you enjoy your stay" I spoke.

"She is so nice" Mabel squealed.

"And calm" Dipper rolled his eyes with a sole, obviously teasing his sister.

"Well mannered as well" Ford said and side looked at Stanley who glared at him with crossed his arms.

This was just the start of being accepted, by people, by the society, all because my father helped in defeating him, the demon.

For some reason, my chapters feel empty when I don't write the author's note at the end.

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