Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I stood amongst the others, in front of us was my father.

"So, you guys have the handheld mirrors?" He asked us and we all nodded. By we I mean, Dipper, Mabel, Abigor, and me.

"Alright, then set out my warriors! Bring me those eyebat tears!" He pointed towards the door and we all cheered before filing out through the door.

Oni and Liz couldn't come because they were still incubating the eggs. The small eggs when seen by shining a light through them in dark, show life developing inside them. A whole networks of veins and stuff. My sister is pretty happy seeing it, and Oni is more proud than anything. Unfortunately, Sune is accompanying those two in this task because she has been around longer and hence knows more, she couldn't exactly say no to my sister and her puppy dog face even if she wanted, so we are on our own on this journey. Sucks, I know, but it's kind of okay.

"So, (y/n), been a while since we last saw each other, huh?" Dipper smile nervously at me and I made a smug face.

"That's because your injury happened to take longer than it did with mine, what had you done to your feet anyways?" I asked him, curious as to why his injury didn't heal in the time it should've.

"The zombie incident and..." he trailed off, thinking then sighed "Bill."

"Wait what? What did Bill do?" I asked him, Bill healed me that time, so why make healing for Dipper worse?

"He made me fight three gremoblins" Dipper made a crying T^T face.

"That's so awful" I hugged Dipper "here here, no need to be so sad Dip" I patted his back softly. He hugged me back.

"I just don't understand why he loves bothering me so much, and not in a good way" Dipper said, seemingly mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted.

"You should use Dreamcatchers, I'm sure Mabel would love making them for you, and maybe for all of us" I pondered as Dipper separated from me, between us emerged Mabel.

"I would surely love to!" She cheered as Dipper chuckled.

"Its a great idea" Dipper spoke up as Abigor waited ahead of us.

"Well, let's get moving, those tears aren't gonna collect themselves" I chuckled a little as Mabel pulled us two in a group hug.

"Hey Ab! Come join us!" Mabel waved to him from the hug. He hesitantly trotted over to us, and joined us with a tense body, which slowly relaxed in the hug, I smiled, glad that he felt welcomed.

"We are going out for another adventure!" Mabel squealed.

"Hopefully we won't get separated this time and end up hurt" Dipper muttered out.

"Oh chill bro bro, that won't happen" Mabel chimed in, encouraging him.

"So, we should start walking before it gets late" I spoke up as Mabel let go, nodding.

I pulled out the map as the other three glanced down in it.

"So, where do those things live again?" Dipper spoke, searching around the map.

"Look at these circular marks and these triangle ones" I pointed at the brown circles and silver triangles that spread across the map.

"Yeah?" The three spoke in unison then looked at each other, then back at the map.

"Since those eyebats change their homes every three months, they can be in any of these caves, or bunkers, as said from past experience" I looked at them.

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