Chapter 25

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Bill's P.O.V.:

An unusually soft sigh escaped through my non visible mouth as I laid back on my throne of human agony. The few monsters in front of me enjoying the party.

Music, games, snacks, heck, even fights were on to-do list in this room.

Loud, why is it so loud? And yet boring?

Another displeased sigh escaped me as I sat up when one of my demon friends approached me, Circa.

"What is it?" I asked the purple creature. She looked up at me with her single eye and struck a pose.

"Lord Bill, Ermagedon and some other surrounding planets have managed to create a secret conspiracy against you. They plan to attack you and free their planets" she spoke, examining her painted claws.

"Interesting" I spoke, leaning back.

"At current they have a pooplytion of little less than a million, they are quickly gaining power and are taking down our party halls, bases, and other demons, including some higher level ones" she spoke.

"Say, Circa, is this problem my concern? Do you think your lord has to deal with some low level alien creatures that want the illusionary freedom?" I growled threateningly and she immediately bowed.

"No, my Lord, we will deal with them, I just ask your agreement to take some higher level demons with me, I'm sure we can capture some specimens for your interest as well" she spoke and I rolled my eye.

"Yesh whatever, scram before I turn you to dust" I spoke and she wasted not a single moment running away, leaving dust in her wake. I mentally laughed before deciding to check up on my favorite meat sack.

She's a hardheaded little fragile... Thing. Ferocious, and of course, rude. And yet, somehow, very nice, gentle and kind.

Having to stay around her as another meat sack really did a number on me. Love, another illusion, just another chemical of the stupid human brain thing. How disgusting, how very disgusting, and yet it is hellbent on her.

It is a serious problem, but I suppose I'll see what I'll do with this so called love and my favorite human.

Maybe I should kill her, if anything, it should rid me of the chemical.

Just as I thought about killing her, an image invaded my mind.

Fire, death, and bodies. Letting out a hiss, I teleported to the upper part of my beautiful fearamid.

She was asleep, something she seemed to do fairly often these days around. Maybe she'd like a walk outside today as well.

Looking at her, I remembered her little... Bracelet.... I still need that, it should make a good addition to my collection, alongside the Pines family's heads.

I settled down on the sofa thing, much smaller now, and decided to plan my collection room.

I should make her bracelet the center, it does have a comparatively well done handiwork on it after all.

Since meat sacks decompose, my own meat sack will have problems if that happens to the heads, I'll need to find a preservative, and what's better than resin.

"Bill, what the hell are you doing?" I was brought out of my thoughts by the voice of my little captive. I turned to her.

"I see you're awake, magician" I cackle and flew up to her.

"It's hard to sleep when someone is cackling in their thoughts" she gave me a blank look and I chuckled.

"You could just year off your ears" I told her and she gave me an offended look, I laughed, "what's that look for!?"

"You're... Disgusting" she spoke and I rolled my eye.

"Oh look who is speaking, a meat sack whose entire body will deompose on their death and will be filled with bug, I think that would be more disgusting" I pointed out and she turned her head away with the same offended disgusted look.

"You sick triangle" she muttered under her breath and I did an excited jump mid air.

"That! I am!" I bowed and laughed "well not as in the meat sack way of sick, that is pathetic" I added.

"Get out and leave me alone" she flopped back down on the bed.

I laughed "Oh but magician, don't you humans need hugs and other contact for management?" I asked her, while knowing the answer. She was silent until she spoke.

"I would rather die or go insane from lack of contact than having any sort of contact with you" she spoke and my eyes widened.

"Well to be fair you don't make the rules here, so you don't get a choice" I spoke and the bed pulsated, sending her in the air and on top of a hand that materialized, she sat up.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Meh, just making your already ruined life harder" I laughed as I spoke the funniest joke ever made.

"Ha ha ha, such an hilarious joke" she spoke with sarcasm.

"I know! Just like your life!" I laughed even harder and she turned to me sharply, her face red in absolute anger. She was certainly displeased as she let herself drop down on the bed from the hand.

"Leave me alone you equilateral monster" she covered her head.

"I don't see why not" with a final snicker, I teleported out of the en suite and into my throne hall, where I spotted Circa gathering some demons.

Rolling my eye again, I teleported myself to one of my favorite planets.

"Ah~!" I spreaded out my arms and legs and took a huge sniff of the poisoned atmosphere.

"Such a pleasant smell, this is why you're my favorite planet!" I laughed before dropping on the soft elastic surface of the planet covered in poisoned gas, and other stuff that could thrive with this much poison.

To be completely honest, poison smells amazing.

Now this. This is the life I've wanted, I am not going to let the Pines family ruin it for me, and of course, for my magician, she will learn to accept it as it is.

After all, not like she has any other choice.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I growled and tore one of the pillows apart, just what does he think he is!?

That yellow asshole!

How dare he ruin my sleep just to insult me!

I groaned in frustration, grabbing tufts of my hair and pulling at them unkindly. I don't need a sicko like him reminding me of how big of a mess I made, I don't need him to remind me how everything has gone down to dust... Even the hope...

I don't get any of it... Why am I here and not dead? Why am I still alive? Where is my family?

....what do I do to fix all this? I need help... Sune... Mom... Dad.. Eli... I miss you guys...

I looked at the window, giving the destroyed forest a longing gaze, wondering what happened to my beloved family. Are they even alive...?

I'm so lost... I'm so sorry everyone, I was so naïve and gullible to have fallen for his tricks... He used me...

The yellow asshole, he used me, he ruined my nicely going simple life, he took everything away from me... Then why...

Why does it still hurts....? Why do I still like that golden eyed boy... And the triangle asshole?

I don't. I don't like him. I never will. He is a crazed demon, unworthy of love or kindness....right?

Right so, this chapter somehow got deleted, I have no idea what was written here or anything, I'm utterly lost, so I had to make a new filler like chapter giving an insight on Bill's everyday "life" and of course, yours, I guess.

That's a serious dilemma, though.

Do you love him? Or do you hate him?

Or do you hate that you love him?

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