Chapter 17

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

"Then I will wait for you" he spoke up and we all looked at him, he shyed away a little at all the eyes on him. "I... I... don't want to be alone with anyone else, they are scary...."

"Heh?" I asked, confused, he is getting along so well with the others, so how come are they scary? Is this because he trusts me that because of my presence he can stay with others but not without it? Maybe, did he grow on me so quickly?

"I... don't... I'm scared... I am so sorry" he spoke up in a quiet voice and our eyes literally popped out in shock. I blinked, then sighed, whatever the reason, if he is not comfortable, then alright.

"Okay then, can you wait in the room for me?" I asked him, quiet hesitant to mention the word alone. "No one will be there to hurt you..." I added.

"I... I am not sure" he seemed a little blue, as his bright yellow turned a slight blue.

"Do you want to take a shower?" I asked him as he looked at me, then slowly nodded.

"(Y/n) how are you going to wash a triangle?" Dipper asked me, questioning the thought that bothered me as well. I shrugged.

"I'll just put him in a bubble bath, and postpone my bath tonight, although I'm not sure if it would work but hopefully he will grow up on one of you" I said and they nodded, hesitant, but agreeing. "Now come on triangle boy, we have got a bath to catch" I held him in my palms and walked to my bathroom.

Setting him down near the tub, I prepared a bubble bath with my magic, I need to be quick now, don't I? The water was warm, so I turned to Bill, only to notice a human child sitting where I left him.

"Bill?" I raised an eyebrow as he jumped, brought out from a trance, then cheerfully looked at me.

"Miss! I look like you now! Do you like it?" He asked me excitedly. His blonde hair seemed soft and were pretty short too. He had orangish amber eyes, and a ghostly pale skin. I smiled and picked him up.

"You look adorable" I smiled and placed him in the bath, with the clothes on, wondering if I should just use my magic to disperse them, turns out Bill knew to do that himself. For a while, he quietly sat there, just getting the feel of it, then smiled and attacked the water, jumping around.

"Alright then, have fun, I'll pull you out in a while" I told him and went to brush my teeth. With furrowed brows, I realized I can't pee as long as he is inside, even if he's just a kid, that would be embarrassing. I just quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face, then helped the kid.

I washed up his hair for him, and his face too. After that, I pulled him out of the bath, wrapped him up in a towel, and exited the bathroom to my empty room. Setting him down on the bed, I spoke up.

"Now stay here for a while and don't move, I need to get some stuff for you" I told him and he nodded. I quickly went to the toilet and did my business, before walking to my closet and pulling out my sister's old clothes that I kept in perfect condition as a remembrance. Pulling out a shirt and pants of suitable size, I went back to my room, and noticed the boy staring at the pattern on my bed. They were small Doritos.

"This has my body all over it!" He pointed out to me as he noticed me, he seemed... fascinated, almost as if learning a new thing.... well, seems like Bill didn't always knew everything, but of course he would know everything about Earth, he had been born a long time before that, but why did he choose earth as his base target instead of any other planet? Why only humans? Surely that are aliens out there is this vast universe, so, why?

"Seems like you're famous around here kid, aren't you?" I smiled at him and his face lightened up as he nodded.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, seemingly glad.

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