Chapter 35

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I panted, pointing my divine sword at the wooden mannequin that looked like Bill, filled with confliction. The red sun glared down at me harshly, heating up my entire body, and making me bathe in sweat.

"(Y/n)! Come on! Attack it like it's Bill!" My sister cheered. Recently, we found Mabel in the bubble in Europe, and our next destination is Australia. She had been trapped in a cellar, but my magic helped greatly in getting her out. We, no, not we, I have been practising for hours straight with others cheering me on to hit him, but so far I can't land even a single hit.

"What are you doing!? Do it!" Sune snapped at me. I collapsed to my knees, this place was unbearably hot, or was it just me?

"(Y/n)!" Dipper called out as he rushed to my side "you okay?" I nodded. He took out a cloth and started dabbing my face gently with it.

"What is wrong with you!? You are supposed to kill him but you can't even land a single hit! On a mannequin!" Sune scolded me as I clenched my fists, tears filling up my eyes as I blinked them. I've been feeling very conflicted these past few days, I've been thinking, I can't kill him... I know I'm supposed to, but I can't, despite him being an absolute utter annoying asshole, I have a soft spot for that thing, a very soft spot.

"I can't" I spoke, barely loud enough for anyone to hear, in defeat, Dipper paused and Sune narrowed her eyes.

"What?" She asked me with a somewhat shocked and threatening tone.

"I can't do it" I turned my head away from her and Dipper's baffled face, closing my eyes with a soft sigh. I heard footsteps walking towards us. I silently turned my sword into my bracelet, putting it back on my wrist.

"Are you guys okay?" Mabel asked as she approached and I nodded, settling down as I folded my legs under me, Dipper standing over me, as if shading me from the sun.

"What are you talking about?" Dipper asked, gently tapping my forehead, looking concerned.

"Dipper, I-I cant kill him... I can't kill Bill" I dropped my head, ashamed to meet their eyes, what else can I do? The world is about to break, and here I am, the only person with the right tools to get rid of the villain, saying no.

"Why? How can say that!?!? He deserves no mercy! He is a monster!" Sune shouted in desperation and I winced, feeling guilty and apologetic.

"He is not a monster" I mumbled to myself "at least not as much to me" I glanced at my hands, everyone else was quiet.

"So you love him" she clicked her tongue, tears filling her eyeballs "You're a disgrace" she spoke, her voice almost breaking as she trotted away as Mabel and Dipper turned to her.

"(N/n)" Dipper spoke, "do you love Bill?" He asked, I couldn't look up at him but I could imagine his heartbroken look.

"I... Don't know" I really don't, shouldn't I not take his side? Shouldn't I get over my childish worries and end him, be a hero, save the world? But lose everything, a little voice whispered in the back of my head.

Dipper let out a shaky sigh, turned his back to me, and ran away, as I saw him running into the thicket, I noticed his shoulders were shaking. I paused, I did not realised he loved me, I kept staring until he disappeared from my view.

I looked at Mabel who shot me a sympathetic smile, she leaned to my ear, and whispered, "I support you two~" she pulled away with a wink and ran after Dipper, to make sure he's okay.

Stan came up to me sat beside, leaning back to look at the sky, he wore a somber look.

"Look kid, I don't really get what you're feeling like now, but Bill is a bad guy, if we don't get rid of him, you know, he will continue doing this weird bloop bloop he's doing" he spoke and turned to me with a grin, "but I have to say, he really got his stupid stick hands on a really beautiful girl" Stan winked and I couldn't help but laugh as he ruffled my hair, the held back tears slipping out.

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