Chapter 13

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I woke up on the couch, cuddled up with Dipper and Sune. Groggily I rubbed my eyes and yawned, making a tired cat like face.

I blinked slowly and decided to get it over with and wake up as I sat up, Dipper's loose arm falling off me. I stood up and stretched my body properly and squatted by Dipper's head with a mischievous look, even though I wasn't going to do something like that.

I looked his cheek, and noticed they were soft and squishy, no wonder Mabel loves to squish them.

"Dippy Sauce" I cooed out as he mumbled something about onions and birds. I poked him again and squished his face gently. "Wake up Dip, it's morning already" he swatted my hands away.

"Just a few more minutes" he turned around, pushing Sune off the couch as she yelped, falling.

"Tsk, that idiot" flipping him off, she went towards the staircase, perhaps to go to my room.

"Dipper, come on, Bill is watching you sleep" I spoke randomly as he jumped up, completely wild.

"What!? Where!? When!? How!?" He panicked as his gaze ran around wildly.

"Not really, but at least you're up" I sheepishly smiled, standing up as he gave me a disapproving stare.

"Your hair look like a bird's nest" he spoke and I made another amused face.

"Looks who's talking" I motioned to his hair with my hair as his eyes turned up and he screeched, the small bird flying out of the nest she made in his hair and flying out of the window,

"Bird poop, ewwwww" Dipper made a disgusted face as I laughed at his situation. "So, should we cook these?" In Dipper's hand were two small eggs.

"No!" My sister lunged at him and snatched the eggs, and crawled to the corner, snarling at him. We both shared a bewildered look.

"Uhhhhh sis, what will you do with them?" I asked her, trying to tame my hair by patting them down as Dipper picked out the stray twigs from his hair.

"I'll take care of them till they grow up, they might be helpful. Watching life develop and grow up will be interesting" she squealed and hurried upstairs into her room, followed by a clumsy Oni.

"W-wait Liz!" He ran behind her.

"Well" Dipper spoke up. I was about to speak up as well when I was tackled by Abigor.

"Good morning (y/n)!" He cheerfully greeted me as I let out a small laugh, petting his hair and hugging him back. After a brief moment, he let go of me.

"Good morning Abi" I smiled.

"Yep, good morning Abi" Dipper got off the couch and Abigor peeked around me to smile at Dipper.

"Good morning to you too, Dipper" he chirped.

"Well, I'll go get ready for the day" Dipper let out a yawn and I nodded. He waved at us and left to my father's room. Speaking of my dad, he peeked out his head from the kitchen door.

"Anyone who's ready for breakfast, come here~" he spoke cheerfully, these people are sure full of energy today.

"I am!" Abigor spoke up, smiling big, he turned to me and after getting a nod from me, ran to the kitchen, from where I could smell the tantalizing scent of waffles. My mouth watered as I hurried to the staircase to be ready for the morning, and of course, waffles.

As I skipped up the steps and was about to step on the last one, I heard screams and shouts.

"Sister don't! Step on the egg!" My younger sister reached out for something that lied at my feet. Oni ran after her, holding the other egg close to his fur, Sune close by with her eyes widened and it seemed as if time itself slowed when I looked down, the small egg just about to come under my feet. In haste, I pushed myself backwards with wind magic, falling backwards as my sister grabbed the egg, bringing it close to her chest, watching me with wider eyes as my eyes widened as well, the time almost slowing down, my body falling out of balance, and backwards. She reached out for me as I reached out for her outstretched hand, but it was too late. Time went to normal as I fell back, my head hit the stair and my body tumbled down, hitting the wall of the house hard, and going right through it. I heard shouts of my name, but all I could focus was on the fact that I went right through the wall.

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