Chapter 30

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I tried my best to remain standing up and not drop out of the window I was staring outside of, even though I will only end up hanging upside down by my feet because of the chain. A month, I woke up after an entire month. Sune must've gotten pretty seriously hurt for heaven's sake. My legs are pretty weak, if not as weak as my entire body. I had to be careful while getting up, my body felt strange and heavy, though I expected that.

I leaned on the window as I tried to keep myself up, this will take a while for me to fix. It's going to be a bother as well.

Author's P.O.V.:

Bill entered the room, well not quite entered but teleported in. The female was looking out of the window, wondering if her family was out there or not, and probably feeling like a damsel in way too much distress. Bill recognized that look in her eyes, after all, he has seen it so many times. She misses her family, as often as she does. A low growl erupted out of him as he turned human. His form flickering, he silently stomped over to the female while trying not to burst out of anger, and maybe jealousy, and he wrapped his arms around her waist, before she turned around from being startled. She jumped with wide eyes and a short squeak as he buried his head in her neck ignoring her startled noises. She squeaked like a mouse again and blushed, tilting her head down, while no longer supporting herself on the window her legs gave out under her, but Bill's hold kept her standing up, well, held up.

"Bill?" she muttered as she finally agthered enough nerve to speak as Bill tightened his hold on her waist by a little.

"Bill, get off me" she muttered as she struggled slightly to give him a hint, but to no avail, he didn't pay heed to said hints. He tightened his hold and kept tightening it.

"Why...?" He whispered, almost crushing her now, she saw a flickers of red in the corner of her eyes, Bill's current form was unstable. She took a deep breath, his tone suggests that he is angry, and hurt. Why? She has not the slightest of ideas, to her, this man... Demon is a mess.

"Why what?" She whispered, feeling like her eyes will pop out.

"Why do you not think about me as much as I think about you? Why do you think about them but not me? Why do you worry about them but not me? What do they have that I don't? I am more powerful than them, in every aspect" he spoke, an angered edgy tone in his voice, the first question was spoken quietly, which the female failed to hear as she blinked.

For a moment she was silent as she stared at the blonde demon, wondering if he was jealous, before figuring out she's an idiot, why woukd a demon be jealous over her family? It makes no sense. Regardless, she decided to be honest.

"Well, you are around me for like, most of the time, you just don't leave, so it would make no sense thinking about you and worrying, I know where you are and how you are and I can talk to you anytime, which is not the same for my family" she spoke.

"Liar" he spoke and frowned, despite being able to tell she was not lying.

She just smiled softly with a tilted head and he rolled his eyes the anger having dissipated, he let go of her and turned back into a triangle.

"Sure" she said after a small laugh, and walked one step, only to stumble on her wavering legs, and fall forward with a yelp. Something soft blocked her fall with an 'oof' and she climbed off it, only to see it was Bill who had gotten under her just in time. She could only blink as she got off him and settled in a sitting position.

"When did you get under me?" She asked in surprise.

"Teleportation" he said, sitting up as well "besides you shouldn't eat for a few more months, you're unbelievably heavy" he spoke and she narrowed her eyes at him and glared.

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