Chapter 38 Final I

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Author's P.O.V.:

Bill just looked at you, for some reason, he wasn't afraid, he knew you, and he knew what he is to you, he laughed, already knowing the outcome, you won't be able to kill him, you will never do it, never.

As you stood there, thoughts wrecking your mind, you decided to end it, and despite so, you couldn't move and it was apparent Bill saw that too, because he was laughing. He knew you wouldn't be able to kill him.

You were about to lower the sword from the dream demon, when a hand placed itself over yours. It was Eliza. She smiled softly at you, tears filling her eyes.

"It's okay sister, you don't have to do it, I will save you, both of you" her voice choked up as she embraced you, meanwhile you were confused as you held her in return.

"What are you talking about...?" You asked, feeling apprehensive of what was about to happen.

"Sister... I'm sorry, but there is something you should know" she spoke, pulling away from you, stepping back from both of you.

You dropped the sword, turning to her, Bill stood up, dusting his human clothes, watching your sister with a displeased look.

"What do you think you're trying to do, you little flower girl" he growled raising both of his hands, but before his hand shaped weapons could reach your sister, you tackled him, bringing him to the floor.

"What are you doing!? Let go!" Bill shouted at you as you pinned him down.

"I won't let you hurt my sister!" You shouted as he stopped struggling.

"If no one stops her, she's gonna die anyways" he shrugged as you realised something. You turned to her wide eyed, only to notice her in the air, floating with a green aura, mumbling a spell, around her, a wormhole formed. Everything was swept inside.

The dead monsters, the dead body of your father, even Dipper and Mabel, everything, as you watched, your hair flowing against the heavy winds surrounding the wormhole. Tears flooded your eyes as your heard a rip, in the space time fabric itself.

Bill pulled you down, as a huge piece of his fearamid flew where your head was, and he held you to his chest, holding you close as he watched your sister cast the spell.

You noticed her body disintegrating as everything kept going into the wormhole. The winds sped up so much that even Bill couldn't stand straight, getting pulling into the nothingness, as he tried to stop himself, still holding you close, tightly against him, for the first time he was serious, and as you clinged to him, you saw fear on his face. Fear of losing you, not even his entire reign, but just you, and your heart fluttered, tears spilling from your eyes into the wormhole.

"It'll be okay" a green vapour caressed your face, "let go" she said, "I love you" she muttered, fading away.

That's what you did, you let go, of Bill, and this world, letting yourself fall into the wormhole.

"(Y/N)!!!" Bill screamed after you, his face contorted in fear and despair, huh, how interesting, your vision faded away.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I found myself dressed in white garbs, standing in front of a throne, a very glitchy woman in front of me. She looked like mother, but my sister, and me myself as well.

"We... Are one-" it spoke, it was glitchy, but understandable.

I was confused, until a memory flashed through my eyes.

My mother was dying as she held me and Eliza, "listen here my dear children, I won't live long, but I'll always be alive in you" she spoke as she divided herself into the form of magic, and let herself into me and my sister.

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