Chapter 12

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

We are in the shack, and my father needs some ingredients for I'm not sure what, maybe Bill proofing our house? No wait, to pest proof the shack for Soos. The ingredients all are powder, and fairy dust nonetheless.

Yes, he needs fairy dust, and many colour ranges of it to do what he is doing, that glitter like thing that looks good as long as it's in a box, but when it's everywhere it itches and burns. I sighed, rubbing the space between my brows.

"So (y/n), you won't be going with Mabel?" My father asked me and I put front my bandaged leg.

"Since she is injured, she can't go, but I'll stay with her" Abigor spoke up.

"That sucks, you would have had some real fun sneaking into that village but oh well" My father returned to whatever he was doing, on Ford's laptop.

"I feel so bad for you, you will grow so bored here" Mabel pouted.

"Don't worry Mabel, Dipper is staying home too" Ford pointed towards Dipper who was sitting on Stan's chair.

"I am still not glad that you are leaving Mr. Stan" Soos spoke up, wiping his eyes.

"Ah, don't be so down Soos, I'll come again!" Stan, smiling, put his arm around Soos who seemed like his whole life was brightened up.

After the farewells were done, Stan and Ford left, the others accompanied the two older men to drop them off. From there, Wendy, Grenda, Candy, Eliza, Oni and Mabel will go to their mission, my father, Sap and Sune will go home, because Sune is not very fond of the shack. Soos will be the only person to come back here, to continue the tours as we hang out in the top attic where Dipper and Mabel stayed when they came here. With me were only two people, Dipper and Abigor.

Of course, it wasn't like me and Dipper couldn't walk, we just.... can't travel much because it will put pressure on our wounds. I sighed, already bored as I dropped back on the bed, a thick book fell on my face and I picked it up, noticing that it fell out from Dipper's bag.

Opening a random page, I started reading a line, but I couldn't understand it, however, Dipper turned to me wide eyed.

"Oh god (y/n), don't finish tha-!" But he was too late, I had already finished reading.

"What?" I asked him, sitting up.

"What have you done!? You just summoned up a horde of zombies!" He picked up the book and started turning the pages wildly, panic in his eyes.

"Hu-" I half yelped as everything started shaking. Running up to the triangular window, I stared down and noticed cracks opening into the Earth.

"Oh no! Here they come!" Dipper pulled on his hair as he started boarding up the door very quickly, until someone banged on the door.

"Guys! What are two doing inside!? What is this noise!?!? Let me in!" Abigor shouted from outside, his voice shaking.

"Dipper stop!" I unguarded the door and let him in.

"There are zombies coming out of the earth!" He shook me, fear evident in his golden eyes.

"We know already!" As Dipper said that, we heard footsteps, and for the first time in a few days, my heart started banging in my chest as an apprehensive silence loomed over us.

Groans of the undead, mumbling and growling greeted us from the other side as someone, or something started banging on the thin wooden door.

"Board it up! Board it up!" Dipper shrieked as he ran around, boarding the door with everything.

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