Chapter 31

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Author's P.O.V.:

The (h/c) haired girl eyed the man in front of her with suspicion. His entire body was black, jet black, yet he appeared to be wearing a tuxedo or something of that sort. The thing that stuck out the most was his right eye, and the area around it. It had human skin and a human eye, the only thing that told her that he might have been once human. His other eye was white, so was his mouth whenever he spoke. He was examining her health nonetheless, on Bill's order, and speaking of the triangle...

The female turned her head to sneak a glance at the triangle who was sitting on a sofa with a cup of wine. The wine was such a deep red that she wondered if it was wine or human blood. The thing in front of her stood her, the man Bill called Zagan just a while ago.

"My Lord, she is in perfect condition" the man bowed to Bill who hummed.

"You can leave then" he spoke with a dismissive wave and the man wasted no time in leaving the room. What surprised the female the most was that Bill has been keeping a close check on her health, did he expect her to faint again or something? That one time it was because Sune had gotten hurt somehow... However it was.

"What is it?" Bill suddenly spoke and the woman was pulled out of a trance she did not knew she was in as she stared at the yellow dorito.

"What is what?" She asked him in return without thinking before she did.

"You were staring at me with the look that you wanted to say something for the past five minutes" he took a sip of

"The only thing I want to say is that you aren't my mother, you don't need to moniter my health constantly" she said and crossed her arms and expected or not, the demon took it wrong.

"You want me to leave you here without any consideration for your health? You know that would end up with you starving to death" he narrowed his single eye at the woman who seemed confused for a moment before she gently slapped her palm against her forehead.

"That's not what I meany" she then paused for a moment, wondering if she should explain "forget I said anything."

Suddenly a thought entered her mind, he had been spoiling her, holy-.... Well I'm his own twisted way but still, she looked at the triangle wide eyed. Now that she thought about it, he had been giving her plenty of food, junk food and sweets as well. He also takes her out whenever she asks him. Maybe he is not spoiling her, but, he has been really gracious for some reason and having realized it, it's awfully suspicious.

"What is going on in that head of yours?" Bill was suddenly by her side as he touched her forehead and pulled out the hologram of her brain with gears moving inside and her thoughts spoke out loud.

"Bill is-" before it could finish, the female tackled the hologram with a shriek, making it disappear. Bill laughed in mockery as she gathered herself up, panting with a soft blush.

"Despite your antics" he picked her up like a kitten and dropped her on the bed "you've been staring with this... Weird... Flesh sack... Look... Thing" he tried to explain, making her snort.

"I am the sun, I will stare at you, and glare at you, and there will be nothing you can do" she smiled proudly with a smug face. Bill mentally grinned and turned into his human form with a poof and before she knew it, she was pinned on the bed she was sitting on with Bill on top of her.

Her eyes widened as he held her wrists by either sides of her head, his knees on both sides of her waist. He was grinning a stupid grin, and his face was violating the personal space of the woman, his entire body was violating her personal bubble.

The woman blushed and turned her head away to hide it.

"What are you doing?" She thanked herself for not stuttering as she spoke those words.

"You said you will stare at me, or glare, but all I see is you turning your gaze away from me, how come?" he spoke and the woman blushed harder, she couldn't deny the fact that she liked him a lot, not when he used his human form like this, just to tease her. That stupid demon, making her feel butterflies in her stomach like that.

"Unfortunately, it's an eclipse, you'll have to wait for it to end" she raised her legs to struggle as spoke, but her knee hit something, hard and Bill's face scrunched up to a pained one as all that escaped him was 'oof'. He collapsed on her side, setting her free as she sat up quickly and looked at him with wide eyes. He was holding that part, and was curled up.

"Damn.... human... body.... spasms..." He managed to speak between trying to soothe the pain and the woman burst out in laughter. Tears escaped her eyes as she fell on the bed. "I know... pain is.... hilarious... but this one... is not... stop" he tried to glare at her but failed as she laughed even harder.

"I was not staring at you huh?" She laughed and he pouted, cute.

"Arrogant much" she looked at him and patted his head and he grumbled under his breath about his fun being ruined.

"Lord-" Zagan entered the room, panicked. His sudden entrance made the woman yelp and jump, startled. Bill snickered at the face of the female and turned to the man, ready to commit murder, but apparently Zagan had other plans.

"Forgive me for intruding upon you, Lord, but we have a problem" he kneeled on the ground, bowing his head. Bill sighed and teleported off the bed to in front of the man, now back to his triangle self.

"Speak" He commanded. The woman blinked, somehow, he actually felt like a king with that tone and pose.

"The beings of Ednaria and Mizuna planet have started a revolt, and are collecting more beings at a fast rate" Zagan spoke "they plan to attack the fearamid in the upcoming days. Their main base is on the planet of Zoroas" the man finished.

"Ah! A revolt! How revolting" Bill chuckled "this should be fun, we will go right now" Bill looked down at the demon.

"How many monsters should we bring?" Zagan asked.

"None" Bill answered, excitedto check this out.

"Understood" the demon vanished into smoke and Bill was about to disappear, but he was glomped at by the female. They both landed on the floor with the female pinning him down.

"The tables have turned" Bill spoke, and chuckled "even though they haven't."

"I want to go too" she spoke with determination, she wanted to have fun too, and battling monsters is always fun, maybe she could see some new things as well since she is going to another planet.

"No" was his blunt answer. She puffed her cheeks up as her eyes filled up with fake tears.

"If you won't take me with you, then you won't go either" she spoke and just curled up like Sune usually does, and being a triangle, there wasn't much Bill could do.

"Lord....?" Zagan said as he returned and widened his eyes at the sight.

"We will be setting out tomorrow" Bill spoke in exasperation and Zagan bowed.

"As you wish my Lord" with that, Zagan disappeared, again.

"You're such an asshole" she said, curling up on the dream demon.

"I know" he spoke, he didn't want to see her getting hurt, he will never be able to forgive himself if that happens.


Yeehaw, there are not more than nine chapters left.

The story is coming to an end~

And I'm sorry- I forgot I had a story to write and update-

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