Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I woke up, groggy, the reason being unable to get a proper night's sleep. Sleep is okay even if you get nightmares, but not okay when the dreams, but the nightmares but the dreams wake you up again and again and again just because someone is watching you.

The fact that someone was watching me as I slept was less bothersome than my awakening from mid sleep, over and over again.

And, a courtesy to all the tossing and turning, which I should really thank and set up a dinner for, my hair are officially a bird nest, indeed, officially, luckily, unlike Dipper, I did not found any twigs, birds, or eggs in there.

Rubbing my eyes and peeling them open, I tangled my hand into my hair, trying to smooth out my locks a little bit before I go on a war with them. I yawned as I sat up on my bed, my get dangling off the side. I waited a little, staring at the chalk drawing of a small Bill.

"Dude, what the hell?" My eyebrows twitched as I sighed and stood up, deciding to ignore the drawing for now, I'll just get rid of it later.

I went to the bathroom, and did my morning routine, on a slower pace than usual, and took a much needed shower after sweating the entire night. Ah, feels good to be in fresh clothes. Putting on simple leggings and a v-neck, I put on my coat over, a (favorite colour) coat that protects my body and clothes from my magic, in case I happen to hit my own clothes with my own flames that is, which has happened more times than I would like to remember.

I walked up to my bedroom door, and with a newfound energy, and positiveness, opened it and stepped out, only to feel something soft under my half step. Looking down, it was Sune, and I stopped myself before I stepped on her, which ended up with me falling backward not so gracefully, and ending up getting a little deep cut on my chin, and a bruise on my dominant hand, which took little to no time in turning black.

"Good morning" Sune greeted me bluntly.

"Get out" with my feet, I closed the door,  feeling the wish to cry, that is, until a knock interrupted my pity party.

"Uhhh.... (y/n)? A-are you in there?" Came Abi's voice, he sounded really nervous.

"Yeah" I sighed and wiped my face to get rid of any accidental tears, and the blood. I stood up and opened the door for him. He was smiling nervously, in his hands he held my favorite breakfast.

"I and a breakfast- what happened to your cheek!?" He exclaimed in utter horror as he saw my face, which turned into a more scared face when he looked at my elbow.

"I fell" I spoke bluntly, watching him as he rushed to place down my breakfast.

"Don't move, I'll be back in a second!" He shouted out to me before he ran away to wherever. I sighed and left the door open, taking the breakfast and biting into it, only to smile at the taste, it was amazing. However, my peace didn't last long, as Abigor appeared in my doorway with a first aid kit. He ran up to me, and tripped, the evil carpet must've smirked as the box hit the dish in my hands, making the food launch itself into the air, and land on the carpet. The glass shattered into multiple prices, scattering across the floor. I wonder if the carpet got what it deserved for tripping me many times, and Abigor right now, or if it is proud that it doubled my work.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Abigor quickly sat up, he was being careless, so i used my magic to move some pieces out of his way, i dont want him getting hurt.

"Its fine Abi, no one got hurt" I smiled at him to calm him down and he shaking dpnodded, before picking up the kit and settling down beside me in my bed.

"I'm sorry for this, I'll clean it up" he said, taking out cotton and disinfectant.

"I'll take care of it, you go do whatever you want instead of worrying over cleaning my room" I told him as he cleaned my small wound.

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