Chapter 23.5

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Author's P.O.V.:

A certain red head was cutting the wings of an eyebat, being watched by some other people who clapped at her skill.

"I never knew you could do this" a white haired man spoke.

"You never cared to find out Gideon" the red head rolled her eyes and the man named Gideon smiled cheekily. He wore a white shirt and very light blue pants. On them, burned black patches, some cuts, and dirt. The outfit was clearly not wearable anymore, but he didn't have a choice at the moment. On his neck hung a black ribbon with a familiar blue gem in the middle. His white hair were pulled back, his greyish cyan blue eyes shone even in the dim light of the small bunker. His freckled face turned to the other more bigger man who wore a shirt having a question mark, and a maroon fez with a Pac man on it. Beside him was a female, watching the red haired girl as well.

"Do you guys even know whose bubble it is going to be?" Melody asked the others. The small group was on their way to South America, no, they were in South America, just a little farther from the coordinates which mark the centre of the land, and also the location of one of the bubbles their friends were captured in.

"No, no we don't, but whoever it might be, they will help..." Gideon sighed, and Wendy stopped.

"That triangle just had to made it hard" Wendy growled.

"I can't believe he sent them to the middle of various continents!" Gideon exclaimed in a low voice.

"At least it ain't other planets" Wendy whispered quietly, only loud enough for others to hear.

"And got his followers to catch you three" Melody added.

"Don't worry dudes, we will find the others! No matter what" Soos spoke, determined,

"I hope we do Soos, I hope we do" Wendy looked sad as she said that.

"Because I don't know what I would do if we don't" Gideon added, turning to Wendy.

"Hey! I was going to say that!" Wendy shouted at him and he shrugged. She narrowed her gaze and sighed, throwing the dead eyebat at Gideon.

"Hey! What the hell!?" He jumped away from it, eyeing it in disgust.

"It's our food you fool, the one you will be cooking" she spoke bluntly.

"But-" he was interrupted by Wendy.

"No buts except yours that will walk over here and start working" she walked away. Gideon sighed before picking up the bat, still revulsed by it.

The group found out where the bubbles were, thanks to the news reported who gave up her life, recording that very last video. They hoped her sacrifice won't be in vain, but at this point, no one can tell.

The skies are red, and it rains black blood whenever it does. There is not much water that is clean anymore, they are just rivers and lakes of blood, except for some, which are a rarity to find, just like food.

There was no day, no night, and it was impossible to tell when the laws of gravity would fail, and for how long. Every single of the animals were frozen in time like stone statues and for those who were not, God bless their souls. Trees would randomly burst into fire, there were monsters all around. It was terrible, like hell on earth itself.

Made them wonder if he got this idea from hell. It didn't matter, all they wanted to do was save their planet, and perhaps the entire galaxy, or the universe. Bill has been quick in increasing his powers more than before, and he has been quicker in conquering the planets out there. Some of the species barely escaped, but not for long.

Some species decided to play hero and come to the main base of operation of Bill's apocalypse, but they ended up dead, except for the few who are alive, and with the group.

".......I seriously miss the good days" Gideon sighed, butchering the bat, trying to ignore the blood and the goo like stuff in vain.

"I hope Mabel and Dipper and Mr. Stan are okay" Soos sighed and Melody put her hand on his shoulder.

"If they are in those bubbles, you bet they will be okay" she tried to cheer him up but all he could do was give him a heartbroken smile, that made her drop her own hopeful smile into a despaired look.

"Argh! I'm going crazy!" Gideon dropped the axe he was cutting up the bat with, tangling his hands in his hair and dropping down his head, hiding his face. It was clear that his breaths were deep and uncontrolled. A few drops of hormones fell down his face. He was crying, for the first time in his life he was crying, he had no idea what else to do.

"It will be okay Gideon, we will find them, and even if we die.... we will die together" Wendy smiled ruefully at the white haired man as he looked at her soot covered face. That idea seemed so surreal, so beautiful. He nodded, feeling better, that's right, if they can't live together in peace, then they will die together... he won't be alone like he was back then.

"Thank you" he rubbed his face to clean himself.

"No problem, but you still have to cook that" Wendy pointed at the bat. Soos and Melody leaned on each other, using the other as a source for comfort, that's right, they are together, and that will be their greatest strength.

"I know" Gideon sighed and went back to his work, feeling a lot better than he felt before in these times of pain and darkness.

Inside of the fearamid, a (h/c) haired female stared out of the triangle shaped window. The window was big, enough for her to escape, and was not barred, but the chain held her inside, almost as if having a mind of its own.

As the female looked over the hellish scene, a tear slipping down her eye.

She whispered out three simple words, words that simple listening won't comprehend, but only some chosen people would know.

"I a- -o---"

Right, this is just a small filler chapter, the story still got long ways to go before it's over. I honestly am surprised for being able to find so much stuff to write but okay.

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