Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

"Okay so, remind me again why we are going to the territory of the shadow people?" I asked Dipper as he studied the upside down map in confusion. We were navigating through the forest, and by we I mean, Dipper, Mabel, Sune, Abi and me.

Dipper told us earlier that only those who can protect themselves can come, I know I can, Sune can protect all of us, not just herself. Mabel and Dipper have their own way of fighting, and I don't think I'm going to ask them until the time comes. Abigor, well, he can't fight, but he can protect at least himself, with a stick, how? I am not sure, but he said, don't underestimate the strength of a simply stick.

Besides, his whining and pleading got too much so Dipper agreed to bring him with us.

"So, (y/n)" Mabel came beside me, a slight skip in her steps, her face was full of excited enthusiasm. "How are you feeling about this adventure?"

"I'm pretty excited, but worried. What about you Mabel? You seem enthusiastic for sure" I smiled at her as she squealed.

"Enthusiastic!? I'm downright excited for this! It's been a while since the Mystery Twins have done some adventure!" She shivered in dleught as she said that, amd skipped ahead of all of us.

"She's really happy" Sune muttered "makes me feel okay about going to a very dangerous place...."

"So Dipper, you still haven't answered my question yet" I asked him and he suddenly yelped and slipped, falling on the forest floor on his butt.

"Dippy Sauce! You okay!?" Mabel shouted from ahead.

"Yeah! I'm okay!" He shouted back as I rushed to his side and helped him up "ow, I think I broke my butt" he said, rubbing his butt as he slowly bent down to pick up the map "Wait, I was holding the map upside down all along!?" He exclaimed in disappointment and surprise.

"Hey, guys, look" Abigor was staring at where Dipper had slipped.

"What is it?" Sune jumped off my shoulder and got a look as we all bent down. There was a switch like slope, and on its bent side, machinery could be seen.

"Oh god no" Dipper muttered.

"What?" We turned to him.

"There is a alien spaceship underneath us, I suppose this is one of the secret hidden switches or something" he scratched his head, deep in thought.

"Cool" Abigor's eyes shined in excitement at the fact that he found out something new.

"Hey guys, what is this mushroom lever thingy that appeared out of nowhere?" Mabel said, and we all turned to her, only to see her hypnotized by the colourful mushroom.

"Mabel don't touch that!!!" But it was too late, Dipper had lunged at Mabel, Mabel had pushed the lever, and a hatch had opened, and they had both fallen down inside of it.

"Mabel! Dipper!" I shouted as Sune ran to it and peeked down the narrow hatch, joined by Abi and me.

"Mabel! Dipper!" Abigor shouted down the black hatch which had no light, until we saw one lit up deep down, shining like a single star in the dark sky.

"Are you guys okay!?" I asked them.

"We are fine, you two go on ahead, and (y/n), please capture the Hide Behind so that if we die! We die in peace!" Dipper shouted back at us and we heard a thwack.

"You shut your mouth Dipping Sauce! We ain't gonna die today!" Mabel shouted "The Mystery Twins won't die today!!!!" She sure sounded triggered. I faked a cough.

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