Chapter 21

368 21 13

Bill's P.O.V.:

I walked up to the front door, only to be stopped by the female, my meat sack piece, which the anatomy book said should be a heart, beat out of my chest, a weird bubbly feeling in my stomach.

"Abigor!" (Y/n) called out, stopping me.

"Yeah?" I turned to her, forcing the strange feeling down. I suppose I should see a doctor, isn't that what meat sacks do when their physical forms dysfunction?

"Where are you going?" She asked, her bright (e/c) turning to face me.

"Oh, I just wanted to do some observations, and see with my own two eyes the facts that are in the book" I told her and she nodded.

"Stay safe, and don't get hurt, don't do anything too reckless either, and no taking risks" she told me and I nodded, a chuckle erupting from my throat.

"I know, I know, you're not your father (y/n)" I told her and she smiled, pausing her practice spell to turn her full attention to me.

"I may not be, but I worry equal to him, you better not get hurt, or lost" she told me, making a sarcastic pose.

"I won't, there is a map in here, so I'll be fine" I waved at her "see ya!"

After closing the door, I let out a breath, my heart beating out of my chest. Maybe before I go, I should check my physical form and make sure it's functioning alright.... but there isn't a doctor in Gravity Falls..... who can help me...?

I won't be going to Pine Tree, he knows who I am, if I ask him, he would be suspicious, I can't ask him, Question Mark is usually busy these days ever since Stanley left with Sixer. Red would be busy as well, if I ask (y/n), she will be worried and she won't let me go out..... Maybe I can ask Shooting Star. With a snap of my fingers, I was in front of the Mystery Shack.

I mentally braced myself and walked ahead, and cheered when I didn't meet with any sort of barrier. Aha! I looked at place and realized something, they have reestablished the whole foundation, and hence the spell was removed as well. This makes this easy.

I entered the place and looked at the woman.

"Is Mabel here?" I asked her and she looked up at me.

"She is in the room upstairs" she pointed out for me and I nodded, awkwardly shuffling out and climbing the stairs.

I knocked on the door and heard a enter.

"B-Abigor!" She seemed surprised to see me "what brings you here?"

"I needed help" I told her, feeling a little bit panic in me, if this meat sack is seriously not okay, then it will be a bother for what I need to do next.

"What is it?" She asked me, that's right, I need her to help me out with this problem.

"My body feels strange and I can't figure out why" I muttered out, faking worry and shyness.

"Oh my god! It's doctor time!" She squealed and pulled out a small notebook and a pen. "Now, tell me, what is your problem?"

"Ummm..." I tried to find words to my symptoms "Well, there are these.... symptoms..."

"What... are these... symptoms?" She asked with wide eyes, excitement bubbling inside her like a bomb preparing to explode.

"My heart starts beating faster, and there is this bubbly feeling in my stomach, sometimes I feel uncoordinated too" I explained to her. She gave me a knowing look, which pissed me, if I might say, as she asked her next question.

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