Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I swiped my sword at a dead tree and jumped back, watching as the tree was cut in the middle cleanly, and then it's upper part fell off. My eyes were an electric blue as they raised at the fallen log.

"Ooooooohhh" Mabel fanned herself with her hand as Dipper watched wide eyed.

"Oh my god! That was amazing!" He cheered, along with Mabel. I was sweating and panting by the time, tired from six hours of training with no breaks. Plus, the burning sun was not helping, and combine it with hunger and thirst and there you have it, a pathetic mess of a half useless human.

"Guys, can any one of you go back and get some water....? I feel like I'll die of dehydration... and hunger" I gave Dipper a tired smile as my stomach growled.

"You really have low stamina.... how is that possible after so much training you did?" Sune huffed as she glanced at me, actually wondering about the question she asked. I only shrugged.

"Well, I'll go" Dipper took half a step when Mabel jumped along.

"I wanna come too!" She exclaimed happily and Dipper looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"So that I can rest in the air conditioned cabin instead of getting tanned in the sun" she posed as if she was the one being bothered by the sunlight the most. I sighed, expecting this sort of answer.

"Fine" Dipper also sighed and he smiled and waved at me, I waved back, smiling.

"Good luck?" Mabel cheered for me as she went after Dipper. I sighed, feeling tired.

"Come on (y/n), just one more try. This time, try to tune your advanced magic spells along with elemental spell into the sword" Sune told me and I nodded, raising the sword again.

I almost fainted trying, but I did it in the end. The sword was engulfed in electricity and waves of water, and fire.

"Good job!" Sune cheered as I stabbed another tree. The tree was electrocuted, burnt and then turned to a soggy mess of ashes. The magic on the sword disappeared as it turned into my bracelet. Me and Sune stared at the remains, and then we looked at each other.

"Its probably for the best to not use combination magic without proper equipment" she said and I nodded along. Suddenly, my legs gave out from under me and I collapsed to my knees.

"Are you okay!?" Sune was under me, in the form of a lion, and she looked at me with worried eyes.

"Yeah.... I just...." I trailed off, feeling the fatigue wash over me.

"Ovwrexerted yourself, you're so weak, that's why I tell you to train more. How lazy can one get?" She began scolding me as she walked over to the previosuly cut tree and set me on the log. "Are you listening?"

"Huh?" I looked at her, I did my realize she was still scolding me. She sighed and shook her head, and then, brought her muzzle close to my forehead. Her cold nose touched my forehead as a serene feeling of peace spread across my body, like a cold wildfire, cooling my body down, and also giving me energy. I sighed in content.

"Thank you" I smiled with closed eyes as Sune huffed.

"Domt get too sappy, I only did this because I need you to be able to protect yourself since I'm going back to the cabin to get some stuff" she told me and turned back into a fox.

"Whatever, I don't care, I'll be just here" I laid against the log, feeling calm and peaceful. She rolled her eyes and trotted away. I sighed again and closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of nature, the birds, the wind, the scent of fresh earth, grass and the faint yet sweet smell of flowers. I slowly drifted off, but I was suddenly brought to reality by a disrupt in the natural sounds.

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