Chapter 38 Final II

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Author's P.O.V.:

He continued staring at me with an amused look, a snort escaping his person, he knew I'd never be able to kill him.

Everyone was silent as I held Bill at the tip of my sword, the universe itself went quiet as they waited for what will happen next.

I could feel hundreds over hundreds of eyes on me, waiting for me to decide their future, and I had an idea of what I would do. I couldn't help the smug smile on my face as murmurs rose.

Bill seemed slightly startled, however curious, as he watched me. I pulled the sword away, only to thrust him through the heart.

He stayed in the same position in shock, then spluttered blood, cheers raged from everywhere around me, as my sword dissipated to thin hair, the dream demon's body falling backwards, and while the wound continued bleeding, Bill fell unconscious.

Eliza ran up to me, her battered body barely holding up, as she embraced me. She said nothing, but as I felt wetness on my clothes, I smiled softly and held her back, looking around myself, the monsters from the rebellion we're fighting against the very few monsters left from Bill's party, as he was not conscious to bring more. The area was quickly cleared out as the creatures settled down to take a breath.

I spotted Wendy and Soos bringing over Mabel and Dipper, Dipper's leg seemed broken as he couldn't even walk, relying completely on Soos.

"Dipper!" I exclaimed, not worried, knowing that now Bill has been done with, it will all be okay. Dipper let go of Soos, only to wrap himself around me, he too, was crying.

I realised something, "where- where are the others...? Stan? Ford? Sune? Oni? Sap? Melody?" I looked at everyone.

Mabel looked down, and Soos covered his face with a hat he wore. My heart broke as tears filled my eyes, my voice breaking as I managed to let out an 'oh'.

"She found her dad's body" Soos spoke.

I tilted my head, again, dots connecting in my head, "oh no, Melody is Zagan's daughter?" To think I knew her all along, this makes it more sad, "his.... Dead body?"

But how?

We heard a cackle, as Bill raised himself slightly, wiping blood off his lips, everything went quiet once again, as every creature present stared at Bill.

I let go of my sister and Dipper, Soos grabbed Dipper again, and my sister clung to Mabel.

"Our deal was, if he ever did something that can be considered disloyalty, his curse would eat away at him within minutes" Bill sat up, leaning on his arms, "and look, it turns out you really couldn't hurt me, but you betrayed me, such a shame, we would've gotten so far in the future, I had so many hopes for you" he rose his hand towards us, I stood there in confidence as my family, discreetly moved behind me.

Bill paused, his eyes widening in shock, "wh-what?" He muttered, flicking his wrists, flicking his fingers, but to no avail, he couldn't do anymore magic. He looked at me, and I merely sent him a warm smile.

"I blocked your magic, forever, Cipher" I spoke and he cursed me lightly before chuckling softly and flopping on his back.

"Guess I'm defeated again then, I have to say, being beaten by my doll doesn't really feel bad, as compared to a twelve year old child that did nothing but be a looser" he laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey!" Dipper yelled.

"Sister, are you sure this is a good idea?" Eliza asked, tugging at my sleeve, "you know what he did, right?"

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