Chapter 23

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Author's P.O.V.:

The (h/c) haired female sighed, laying down on the bed. Ever since the day she arrived, she never got off the bed, excpet for the times she needed to go to the bathroom, to either wash herself up, or go to toilet, or even brush her smelly mouth, or wash her tear stained face.

In her walk in closet were hundreds of outfits, all of them were like the ones she wore, but in more.... yellow and black colours. She didn't want to wear them, she hated them, she hated the colour yellow. She would just wash her clothes before going into the bath, and her clothes would half dry up, and even if they weren't dry, she would still put them on. She didn't care about what happens to her, she was only worried about family,

Family.... yes.... She missed them, and she was constantly thinking of them. Rewinding the memories in her head like a broken record, that is what she was now, a broken record. She mentally laughed at her own pitiful condition, given how pathetic she is in just a couple of days, she wondered what it would be like to spend the rest of her eternity like this, in this world... the world she helped create.

She hoped to die, to disappear forever so that she wouldn't have to face the mistakes she made, face the pain she caused others. During the course of two days, Bill kept away from her, wherever he may be, she was glad he did. She never wanted to see his face ever again, heck, she didn't wanted to see her own face ever again.

During the course of two days, monsters came, placed down her food, and left, came, picked the untouched tray and left. They didn't care about her, and she didn't care about them. After all, they might be as much prisoner as she was, just without chains.

For a while, the female wondered, why in the first place was she so sad? She should try to at least hold on, for others if not for herself, but due to her not eating because she wanted to die, she was left weak. Yes, nourishment is everything to a witch, without proper amounts of it, a witch will be nothing but an empty sack of meat. That's what she was right now, an empty sack of meat which dripped regret and guilt.

Surely if she was alive and not in a bubble like the others, then there must have been some reason, but what? She asked herself, tired of thinking. She wanted answers, but when she heard a rather familiar voice, she quickly decided that it doesn't have to be exactly right now. With a groan, she tiredly buried herself deeper in the blankets and pillows, despite suffocating a little, in the hot, and in lack of air.

She lady there for a while, the utter silence giving her the impression that the visitor was gone, but she was proven wrong when the blankets were tripped off her harshly, making her screech and fall to the carpeted floor. From her position on the ground, she glared at the yellow dream demon, the cause of it all.

"Well well well, would you look at that?" He spoke up, clearly displeased, as he was growing, the usual crescent that is under his eyes when he is happy was above them, upside down.

"Get away, I don't want to see you" the female curled up on the floor, defying his unsaid wish for attention.

"Didn't you miss me?" He picked her up like a cub and held her in the air, she let her body hang down like clothes instead of struggling.

"No, not at all" she spoke up bluntly.

"Then it seems you have no choice but to still see me anyways" a malevolent glee spread in his eyes, so clear that anyone could read it without even wanting to.

"My bad luck I suppose" the female muttered out a reply, not caring about him.

"You know kid! I am not sure I am fond of this side of yours!" He laughed, but his eye was red and white. It was clear he was annoyed by her current blunt behaviour, but she made no attempts to change it.

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