Chapter 16

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Author's P.O.V.:

A certain blonde peeked inside the door, his gaze falling on the multitude of potions spread across the room and the man who stood there.

"Mr (f/n), you called for me?" He shyly stood in the doorway.

"Ah yes, Abigor my boy, come here will you?" The man spoke up with a warm smile. The boy breathed out to calm his beating heart, then he walked up to the gleeful man.

"What is it?" He asked, his eyes scanning over the things on the desk.

"Ah, I wanted you to test this potion for me!" The man handed the boy a small test tube.

"What.... am I supposed to do with this?" He asked, his golden eyes looking up at the man.

"Drink it of course" he smiled.

"Are you sure it's safe?" The boy faltered in his resolve to help the older man.

"Of course it is, I would never give you something dangerous, unless without supervision of course" the man spoke up, returning to rummage around his desk.

"What is it supposedly for? And why do you need me to test it?" the boy gulped, not wanting to drink the pale pink liquid.

"Its supposed to increase eyesight for a while, but I need to make sure it works, but don't worry, even if it doesn't, I know for sure it won't harm you" the man told the boy and the boy gulped again. "Now come on" he turned to Abigor, waiting for him to drink it.

Reluctantly, Abigor gulped down the potion, and waited in anticipation.

"Did anything change?" The man asked and the younger boy shook his head, not feeling any different. "So it turned to coloured water again or something?" The man sighed "I should sleep, I'll work on this tomorrow, you should sleep too, boy" the man rested his hand on the boy's shoulder and nodded, and left.

Abigor also went to his room to sleep.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I woke up to the shining morning light, and a yellow palm sized dorito which glanced upon my face curiously. I yawned and stretched, rubbing my eyes, and suddenly paused, palm sized Dorito!?!? My eyes frantically turned to beside my pillow, where I spotted a single eye looking up at me. Startled, I let out a shriek.

"Aaaahhhhhh!!!" The small creature shrieked a little in a childlike voice, jumping.

The door to my room burst open and my father, Sune, Sap, Oni, my sister, Dipper, and Mabel appeared in the doorway. Apparently, they all were dressed, they must have woken early, or I woke up late.

"What is this?!?" Dipper and my father exclaimed, Mabel screamed as my sister hugged Sap, Oni hugging her tightly, also afraid. The small creature shook as he leaped, hiding under my bed.

"I don't know! I woke up to it!" I shouted out to them, still startled until the reality of the situation sunk in.

"I'm going to get something to get rid of him! Don't move or go closer!" Dipper ran out as Mabel hugged Sune tightly, shaking.

"Listen to him and do as he said! I'm going down too!" My father hurried out as I finally realized something. I climbed down my bed and bent down, peeking under.

"Hey little guy" I smiled softly at the teary triangle. The poor thing was shaking, curled up as best as his stick arms and legs would allow. Tears were present in his eye.

"P-please don't hurt me..." he sniffed and my body relaxed, he wasn't harmful, or for the moment. His voice was childlike, much different from his original obnoxious and loud one.

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