Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I focused on making a small ice palace like Elsa as I maneuvered my hands carefully around the dish filled up with pure water. Eliza herself was trying to unlock her own skills along with Oni, outside of the house somewhere a little ways away from us. Father didn't want what happened last time to happen again. Last time, when I was unlocking my skills, the elements and advanced magic spells mixed up and caused some interesting and dangerous phenomena. We had to live inside a small circular forcefield for a day.

Father decided that one time is enough, and if something like that happens again in the future, at least it won't be our house. Sune was curled up and half asleep, not interest in my little 'childish' project at all. Father and Sap were in the shack, checking up Stan and Ford who will be leaving soon enough. Mabel and Dipper haven't came here for a while because they wanted to help out their Gruncles. And they haven't came here since I've brought Abigor here, which isn't even that long but it still feels longer without them. They make everything so much more interesting that it's hard to keep up with the time, it seems to fly past faster than Sonic himself.

However, accompanying me in my small, yet hard task was the sweet little gemstone, Abigor. His eyes were bright with sparkles in them as he watched me work. The designs I made were intricate very much so. I was focused, my complete attention on the small about to be finished palace. I was feeling giddy about this just as much as Abigor was, he seemed really excited that he couldn't stay still.

Suddenly a screech resounded around the small clearing as I jumped high with a yelp, the palace shattering to minute particles of ice then turning into water before I could even blink. My heart hammered as I frantically turned my head around. Sune was already on her feet growling at the nearby trees and growth. Abigor was on his butt, looking startled. Birds, a huge flock of birds flew up in the sky, screeching wildly until they settled down again, this time, farther from where they emerged.

A flurry of fairies, yes, fairies flew overhead. They twirled in the air as they flew above us, my shoulders relaxed as Sune sat down, staring at the fairies peacefully. Abigor was equally enthralled by the colourful lights that were recited through their wings. The fairies giggled and laughed. The first group was red, then orange, then yellow, then green, then sky blue, then indigo blue, then violet, pink and white.

Once the show was over, I smiled and looked at Abigor. He had tears in his eyes and a hopeless look on his face. I blinked and followed his line of vision, only to notice the area where I was building the castle. Nothing remained, not even the water as it was sucked up by the soil.

I patted Abigor and he broke down, hugging me tightly.

"I loved it so much! I wanted to see it completed!" He cried silently in my shoulder as I felt my top getting wet. From the corner, Sune rolled her eyes and curled up on ghe soft green grass.

"Hey-...." I heard a voice and looked at the trees which parted away to reveal Dipper, who had paused midstep as he looked at me surprised. I smiled.

"Hello" I greeted him as Abigor released me and wiped his now red eyes with the back of his palm and waved at Dipper.

"Uhhhh..... am I interrupting something?" He asked me, looking awkward. I shook my head and patted the grass beside me.

"Nope, come sit with us" I told him and he walked up to us, sitting down beside me.

"So, your father told me I'd find you here" he smiled.

"Yep, what makes you seek me out?" I asked him as I collected some more water.

"Well, I was thinking that we should go out for lunch" he scratched the back of his neck nervously, a blush apparent on his face.

Abigor puffed up his cheeks and crossed his arms.

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