Chapter 33

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Sune's P.O.V.:

I ran through the forest, eager to check the strange thing that had fallen here out of nowhere, the others hot on my trail. When we arrived, the trees had cleared up because of the meteor, and the ground had a huge crater in it, not that big, but huge nonetheless.

"What is inside this?" Dipper asked as we stepped closer.

"Seems creepy" Soos said.

"It is so familiar..." I whispered. I jumped in the hole, Dipper and Wendy beside me, Eliza and Oni behind. Gideon, Soos and Melody stayed up on the ground.

As we reached the center, my eyes widened, others had the same expression, but we turned up as a huge blast sounded in the sky, there was an explosion, but there was nothing there, turning our attention back to what was more shocking, Eliza ran up to the figure.

"Sister!!!" She was crying.

There in the middle, lied (y/n), impaled by a sword. My emotions, oh my fucking god what the hell has this girl been doing!?!? This. Is. So. Idiotic and dumb I'm shocked.

"(Y/n)!!" Dipper and Oni shouted, joining her side. I also walked close as Dipper pulled out the sword.

"Oni! Made a path for us to get out quick!" Oni listened to the command Eliza gave him and went to work on the side of the crater, joined by Wendy and the other three, digging the ground up to make an easier path so we won't have to climb up the creep crater. Dipper pulled up the female's upper body, checking her back, which was full of burns and bruises. Her arms and legs were burnt too, likely because of entering Earth's atmosphere.

"There is also a wound on the back of her head" he said as he applied pressure on her stomach wound.

"Check her pulse!" I shouted and ran up to them, frantic, she can't die, she has a purpose, she can't die...

"Sh-she is alive!" Dipper let his eyes widen as we all turned to Eliza.

"Don't say it" she moved closed to the female and hovered her hands over the stomach of the woman. She closed her determined face in concentration and a green blue light glowed under her fingertips, a magic circle appeared over (y/n) as the wounds started closing. The burns disappeared with dark scars, and so did the bruises and the wound on her head also started closing.

"Focus on her sword wound!" I told the younger girl and noticed that she was already on her limit. I clicked my tongue and bit her leg, she winced, but accepted my magic, and the magic circle glowed brighter.

"Uwiwwer ecw a ounw" I tried to speak, turning my eyes towards Dipper, he gave a curt nod and checked the wound as I asked him to. As he pulled up my master's shirt, the wound had already started closing. The wound on her head healed itself completely. The burn scars disappeared. The wound on her stomach closed up with a scar, and everything went black.

Dipper's P.O.V.:

"Sune! Liz!" I shouted their names as they fainted together and the magic circle over (y/n) disappeared. I know healing magic is exhausting, I've seen Eliza do it before. I was thankful that all of them were okay though. But this was still rather sudden, so much that I was left speechless.

"We should go out Dipper, the path is done, and monsters must be coming here soon" Wendy tugged at my arms and I nodded, picking up the female bridal style.

"Wendy, take Eliza" I turned to Gideon "Gideon! Grab Sune!"

Bill's P.O.V.:

The portal closed in front of me and my Magician disappeared from my sight. A tsunami of rage bubbled up inside of me, I lost her again... I am so stupid....

Everything went red.

I opened my eye, and found myself in an awfully familiar place. I shot up and exited the little room, only to bump into a smaller figure.

"Bill?" A gentle voice said, the speaker was a doll-like figure, their face was crossed out, hidden behind a black scribble, but they were smiling.

I kept quiet as my eye widened and suddenly, everything changed. I was laughing, flying over a flat world.

"Bill stop!" The gentle frail voice said and I looked down. A crazy, insane look lingered in my eye as I looked down at them, I wanted to stop, I wanted to stop so badly but I couldn't. I knew what was coming, but I couldn't stop. I was helpless...

Laughing, I ripped their body to pieces. I couldn't see it, but I knew their eyes were on me.

"I'm sorry _ _____ _____ ___" they said before turning into a heap of dust. Tears freely flowed out of my eye, but I laughed harder, whilst around me everything fell apart, turning to dust.

And I woke up in the bed Magician used to sleep in, Zagan on his knees beside the bed.

"What happened?" I asked him, floating out of the covers, feeling light. I chased the dream out of my head, it has nothing to do with anything anymore.

"You killed all the residents, and blew up the planet into smithereens" he spoke and I felt myself swell up with pride, I did the same I had done to Zoroas. But there is something I must still do. I flew up to the window only to be stopped by a certain doctor.

"Where are you going, master?" He asked me, his head down.

"Find what I lost" I spoke and he quickly added.

"You don't have to, I have sent a search team prior to your command, there is no need for you to stoop so low as to do such a mediocre job such as look for a human female" he said and I mentally clicked my tongue, he is pissing me off.

"It's not a mediocre job" I hissed out.

"Why are you so concerned for her wellbeing, master?" He muttered out and I sighed, trying to calm my anger.

"Whatever reason I have, it shouldn't be bothering you" I told him and he nodded.

"Before you leave master, the generals of the planets have come here to address you" he told me and we teleported to the main hall, where everything was silent, and a row of huge monsters stood on both the sides and the front. Seeing me, they all kneeled, only standing up when I sat down on the throne.

"My Lord, may you grant us the permission to speak" an old friend, or a mere acquaintance, Leraje, spoke.

"Go ahead" I spoke in a blank tone, my mind focused on my little Magician, she must be suffering without me...

"Master, there is a common, and a concerning problem rising on most of the planets" another general spoke.

"What is the problem?" I asked them, expecting what will come.

"I believe you had dealt with one of them, the rebellions" Leraje spoke.

"Yes, they are bothersome" I grunted mentally, feeling another wave of rage rise inside of me.

"We ask for your orders on how to deal with them" Leraje spoke again.

"Push them down without mercy and take the bodies of the ones that died on Zoroas and Mizuna, if they are any left, and use them as a example to show what will happen to those who rise against me. I am the host of this party, and the Lord of this world, the most powerful being, I will crush anyone who opposes me, and mercy won't be an option" my eye glowed dangerously as all the generals bowed.

"Understood, my great lord" they spoke in unison.

"Dismissed" I teleported back to the penthouse suit, now that the problem with the rebellions has been dealt with, I need to find my precious guest.

A double update, I know, thank you for being so patient but I have exams this year's and they're very important to me and my non-existent future.

I need to work hard, I apologize for making you guys wait for so long, I'll try my best to update every week.

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