Chapter 22

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Author's P.O.V.:

The blonde wasted no time in running to the underground bunker as the female announced that she broke the barrier. He jumped inside the open hatch and hugged the female.

"Thank you!" Separating from her, he looked around the room, then pointed towards the computer like screen. "I'll go look there!" And with that, hurried to the panel. The female stared at him for a moment, clearly noticing the change in his behaviour, but she shrugged it off. Going around in the dark, using magic to light up the place and look for the pendant which never existed.

The blonde opened up the book and pressed some strangely marked switches on the panel, on the screen, the barrier surrounding Gravity Falls appeared. As the blonde pressed certain buttons, the lines of the barrier disappeared one by one. Once the equation was completely implemented and the barrier disappeared, the blonde paused and stared at the screen, a giant grin taking over his face, spreading from one side of his ear to the other.

The female turned around, about to ask him what the pendant looked like, but she paused when she noticed the boy staring at the screen, awfully still.

"Abigor?" She called out softly, moving up to him. The boy turned around and the female paused, a thousand thoughts passing through her head, the most dominant of them was 'is he possessed!?'

The boy looked at her with the most creepiest face she has even seen anyone make, and walked up to her, grabbing her hand, he teleported both of them outside.

The boy looked up, and the female followed. Above them, the barrier shattered like glass, and vaporized into thin air. Abigor giggled, then broke into a fit of chuckles, which soon turned to a fit of chortles. He was laughing loudly.

"Abigor!?" The female exclaimed, eyeing the boy in worry.

The boy raised his body a few feet above the ground, and from his mouth, brought his insides outside, turning into a meaty triangle, then forming the shining yellow triangle the female knew well.

"B-Bill!" She dropped down, her knees failing to give her enough balance to stand up. Her eyes were wide as she watched closely as he turned huge, as huge as the cliff with the weird shape. He raised his stick like hand, and claws protruded out from the fingers, he swung the claw at thin air, and a ripping sound was heard. In the very fabric of dimensions, there was a huge rip. And on other side, red eyes peeked out. Bill raised higher in the sky, right above the town.

"Ahahaha! Did you meat sacks miss me!? I am back! And more powerful than ever!" He laughed loudly and I was raised into the sky, appearing beside the triangle. The townspeople were gathered around, all of them seemed afraid, more so when from the rip exited monsters. Strange, all kinds of monsters, a bread like monster, pink fire monsters, teeth monster, geometric monsters, eye bats, and many more kind.

"Everyone! Thank this little girl right here! After all, not only did her sister freed me! But she also helped me break the barrier!" Bill laughed and the woman's face turned blue, she realized what she had just done. The townspeople gave her unbelieving looks, the looks that screamed betrayal at her but all she could think was, 'what have I done?'

"The time has come my friends! Scatter across the planet and spread your weirdness! This universe is finally ours!" The monsters cheered loudly and wasted no time, flying away in different directions while only some of them stayed, bowing to Bill. Bill laughed.

"Time to bring my furniture back!" He snapped his fingers and behind them a rather huge pyramid floated up into the sky, right underneath the rip and as it fully exited the ground, a pink wave, a huge tidal like wave erupted from underneath it, also spreading in all directions. "And of course! The old decorations as well!" He laughed and some bubbles floated out of ground. People screamed, avoiding the bubbles, they must know what these things are "ah! So you remember my bubbles of pure madness!!! How charming!" He laughed, "bow in front of your eternal master! Slaves!"

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