Chapter 34

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I woke up in midst of leaves. Blinking, I sat up, rubbing my head. Confusion swirled around my head, I was stabbed, but as I checked my stomach, not even the scar could be seen. What..? Suddenly, two birds flew into my face, making me scream and fall off the tree, only to land on something soft. Looking down under me, I saw the familiar red shirt, and black fur. I hurried off them and my wide eyes stared at them in shock.

"Dipper... Sune....?" I whispered out, tears flooding my eyes. Sune made a small noise and jumped in my arms, Dipper hugged me, holding me close.

"I was so worried about you guys...." I sniffed, trying not to cry as I held them close, remembering how much I wanted to see them.

"We were more worried about you, you were with Bill.... what did he do to you?" Dipper held my face, wiping my face as he asked that.

"That demon... I will kill him, he left you to die" Sune growled and I blinked at her before smiling and momentarily questioning my sanity as I realised what I was going to say.

"Bill didn't hurt me.... at all. He was rather gracious to me" I told them and their eyes widened as they stared at each other, probably wondering too, if my sanity is intact or not.

"(Y/n), did he brainwash you?" Dipper spoke in shock, another worrying look filling his orbs.

"Dipper no, he hasn't brainwashed me" I smiled nervously and added "Why was I in a tree by the way?" I eyed the two who quietened down suddenly, looking reluctant.

"Because we can't risk you being seen by any creature" my sister said with a rueful smile on her face and tears in her eyes, the two birds that earlier flew into my face were settled on her shoulders, beside her stood Oni.

"Liza" I smiled with closed eyes, tears escaping my eyes even further, I'm so glad they all are okay, this makes me so relieved as i tried my best to not choke under the weight of my tears.

"I missed you" Eliza came to me and hugged me, Oni followed, standing beside his master.

"I missed you too" I hugged her, holding her firm, there was a pause before a voice was heard, belonging to Oni.

"Did you escape?" He asked with big eyes as I embraced my sister, peeking down at him.

"I...." I paused "well, it's a long story..." I trailed off.

"Well, we have some time un-" Sune was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Dawgs! We found the next bubble!" Soos jumped out of a very high tree and landed safely, followed by Melody. My eyes widened slightly, that was so cool!

"It's in that direction" she pointed. I stood there with stars in my eyes.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's deal with it first" Wendy emerged from the trees, followed by a white haired guy.

"Oh, so she is awake" he looked up at me from the map and held out his hand "I am Gideon" he smiled. I stared at him for a moment before putting my hand in his.

"(Y/n)" I shook his hand once and dropped it, looking at the others. "So, what is going on?"

"We are looking for the bubbles Bill trapped our families in" Dipper told me and everyone started walking, except Dipper and Sune who walked at the last row by my side. My sister and Oni walked right ahead of us.

"Here" Dipper handed me a familiar sword, the one that was embedded into my stomach, I paused, it was pretty beautiful when it isn't inside me. I took it and examined its blade.

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